College Planning
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Internet Tutorials are the Teachers of the Future
I know some people don't even believe that the Internet or World Wide Web exists. They think that it is an abstract concept and that if asked to show it to someone they would fail miserably. Well, whether or not it exists I think that the collective consciousness of humanity is evolving everyday because of the sharing of ideas on the strange boxes called computers and the electronic network that connects them.
The Benefits of Music Education
Despite serious reductions in funding for arts programs in public schools, there is a great need for studying music. Band, orchestra, and choir all offer students a chance to work together in a social and intellectual group setting and excel at complex tasks.The trick for parents is to enroll their children in high quality programs and assist them in purchasing high quality instruments.
Choosing a Graduate Program: Six Considerations
Choosing a Graduate Program: Six Considerations Introduction. A well-thought-out decision to go to graduate school is one based on intense soul-searching, rigorous academic training, and careful research. Yet many undergraduates, eager to embrace academia as their future career, don't prepare themselves at all for graduate work.
Details, Details, Details
I have a dear friend who, as our Consulting Resource Teacher, does much of the special education testing in our school district. Recently, I asked her what information teachers can give to help her know exactly what to look for in each child she tests.This is what she told me:Most of the teachers do a wonderful job with the referral forms.
Just What Is a Learning Disability, Anyway?
A learning disability is defined as a permanent problem that affects a person with average to above average intelligence, in the way that he/she receives, stores, and processes information.There are many wrong ideas out there about learning disabilities.1) A learning disability will go away in time.
Understanding The Report
"No thank you. Don't bother to send me the report about the testing results. I won't understand it anyway. I'll just listen at the meeting."Those were the words of more than one parent I spoke with whose children had been tested to see if they needed special education services. I could always hear the discouragement in their voices as they spoke.
To Test or Not To Test - That Is the Question
Little Suzy has really been having a hard time getting some of her assignments done. When she reads in class, she struggles with many words, and her mother reported at conference time that Suzy spends hours each night on homework. At the same time, Suzy carries on intelligent conversation, and when you ask her about what she learned from the class, she has some good feedback.
Whether you are a parent focused on the education of your children, a grandparent interested in helping your grandchildren, a student taking accountability for your life, or an adult desiring to pursue an education, nothing you do will ever be as valuable as acquiring and implementing knowledge through education. It positions you to take action with what you learn. Knowledge may not be power, but the implementation of knowledge is.
As a society we are being thrust headfirst into a new era. This is a new global economy; a world of accelerated change, competition and complexity. Knowledge is the central source of today's new economy. Moving forward, most jobs and innovations will be based on the creation of intangibles. Talent is defined in this new economy as knowledge; the ability to think creatively and having the perseverance in undertaking a task. Talent will be at a premium.
No matter your perspective, whether as a parent, grandparent or student, you need goals. Goals are dreams with a plan. Take action on your goals! A top college education can be worth millions. Is college expensive? It can be. However, as Benjamin Franklin stated, "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance."
Average annual college costs at a four-year public college are $21,000, $37,000 at a four-year private college and $49,000 at an Ivy League college. In 10-years the cost of a four-year Ivy League education will be $345,200 and the true earnings required in paying this after tax cost will be a staggering $580,000 (assumes 35% federal and 5% state tax bracket).
Fortunately, strategies exist that can save almost anyone, including the affluent and late stage parents who have done little college planning, significant money. College Money Planning (latest book from author Angelo J. Robles) shows you academic, scholarship, financial and tax strategies that save you real money right now!
College Money Planning will introduce you to academic scholarship strategies that take real money off the cost of college. We address both needs-based and merit scholarships. We will show you how to find and organize thousands of these scholarships and we will illustrate planning and introduce resources that can improve the likelihood of success in obtaining scholarships.
We break down the FAFSA government scholarship, grant and loan process for all families, which explains multiple exclusions of certain assets common among upper-middle class and affluent individuals. Additionally, many beneficial programs provided for through FAFSA, including Parent Federal PLUS loans, are not needs-based.
Competitive loan strategies are discussed in detail, including loans from traditional lending institutions and from qualified plan balances, home equity and even those that are investment portfolio based.
Even families with significant liquid assets may desire to at least consider loan based strategies for some college costs, in that often times an investment portfolio upon liquidation to fund college costs may be subject to capital gains taxes and additionally valuable assets are now out of the investment market. If loans are very competitive then, for some, there can be logic to reviewing alternatives to liquidating assets.
Various tax strategies, including the Above-the-Line Tax Deduction for Education Tuition and Qualifying Fees, the Hope Scholarship Credit and the Lifetime Learning Credit are valuable in reducing the true net cost of college. For some families with students who earn income, consideration may need to be given to the student filing as an independent, which in the right situation can provide powerful tax leverage. Business tax strategies also abound for those who own a closely held business. This includes Section 127 Tuition Reimbursement Plans, which, when combined with the prior tax strategy for independent student tax filers, can provide powerful planning opportunities.
Parent and/or grandparent gifting strategies, including arranging for UGMA/UTMA accounts, which provide potential for shifting the income/assets of those who are highly taxed to children/grandchildren, can be very powerful, particularly for the affluent. Charitable planning opportunities for such families also warrant consideration and may include charitable remainder trusts and charitable gift annuities.
Core savings strategies, including UGMA/UTMA and 529 plans include additional benefits for certain families, including (where applicable) asset repositioning and estate-planning benefits. Even late stage college planning families can still benefit from such strategies.
For families with time on their side, 529 plans can be a powerful, tax favored college savings strategy, especially in conjunction with Coverdell ESA plans. One simple five-minute 529 plan related strategy can provide anyone over time with thousands of dollars in free college money.
If all this sounds like a lot of information, it is. You cannot be casual about planning for college. College Money planning helps your break it all down and provides you with powerful and useful strategies that can help any individual and/or family pay for college as beneficially as possible.
College Money Planning is the Preface of the latest book by author, speaker and entrepreneur Angelo J. Robles, titled "College Money Planning: Secret Strategies to Secure an Elite College Education for Your Child While Shaving Thousands Off the Tuition." If you desire to learn more or purchase the book go to If you desire to subscribe to Angelo's FREE eNewsletter send an email requesting as such to
About the Author
Angelo J. Robles is an author, speaker and entrepreneur. His latest book is College Money Planning: Secret Strategies to Secure an Elite College Education for Your Child While Shaving Thousands Off the Tuition. If you desire to learn more or purchase the book go to If you desire to subscribe to Angelo's FREE eNewsletter send an email requesting as such to
Source: Education Articles on
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