Branding: A Crucial Part of Email Marketing
More Email Articles
Subject Lines To Avoid- Spam-Alikes
We like to think we create email subject lines that have nothing in common with spam. However, it's all too easy to do just that. For instance, we want recipients to feel excited and interested in our email, to feel it's an opportunity they can't afford to miss. See what I mean? Right there I've used a phrase that's all too common in spam: "An opportunity you can't afford to miss.
Email Subject Lines that Fail- Attention-Grabbers
A lot of advice insists that to be effective, email subject lines must stand out in the inbox. The idea is that "attention-grabbing" subject lines motivate recipients to open emails rather than ignore or delete them. This advice should be followed with caution, and preferably not at all.
Auto Responders - Are Your Best Employee
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Why You need a Bounce Free Email Account for Safelist Marketing
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Want to start your own eBay auction business or "pocket" some extra cash but not sure where or how to find and buy products to resell for profit? For any online auction seller, flea market vendor, retail store owner and anyone wanting to "pocket" some extra cash! LEARN HOW & WHERE TO BUY BULK PRODUCTS AT PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR to resell for mega profits.
The Biggest Opt In List Building Secret I Could Ever Give You Is Right Here...
Do you know the power of secrets? How did Oprah stir up so much interest in the subject of secrets? It's not like understanding how the universe works is a new topic of study. People have been studying how and why things happen long before it came up as a subject for a t.v show. But the power of secrets.
7 Key Benefits of Using Co-Registration Leads
Fresh e-mail leads that are filled with opt-in lists and options are known as co-registration leads. High-quality leads for your company are potential sales just waiting for the right moment where one click through to your website can lead to a new purchase. Adding new names is not an easy process for any business, but knowing which markets to tap into for opt-in subscribers can help you create a very powerful system.
These days with email inboxes filling up with more and more emails from businesses much like yours, it is crucial that you stand out above the rest. While there are a variety of ways this can be accomplished, you must keep in mind that spammers are always trying unique ways to make their email look legitimate. This is where the importance of branding comes in. Not only do you want to make sure that when you are sending email newsletters that you include your company logo and your name, but also make sure that you are doing things such as including your company slogan, styling your emails to match your website, and even sending emails out on the same day every month.
Including your company name and logo is really a no-brainer, however all too often businesses leave out their slogan. A creative slogan will cause people to remember your business for not only their own needs but also for those occasions when someone they know needs what your business offers. It is a good idea to put your slogan on the top of your newsletter next to your company name and logo to make sure it is visible to readers.
When creating your newsletters you also want to make the style consistent with your website, including colors, text, and the positioning of pictures and text. By doing this, readers will be able to link your newsletter and your website together right away without reading anything. Having an email program that does this for you is ideal. See for more information.
Branding goes even further than company name, slogan and style, it also helps to send your emails out on the same day every week or every month and even around the same time. This way readers will know when to expect your emails and look forward to them every week, month, or whenever you decide to send them. For example sending an email out on the first of every month early in the morning would be a good time for people to remember you by.
About the Author
Email marketing expert from
Source: Email Articles on
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Branding: A Crucial Part of Email Marketing
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Targeted Direct Email Marketing Important Tip
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