Easy Customer Follow Up with an Autoresponder
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Autoresponder Tips - Increase the Success Of Your Email Follow Up Series
Following up by email with people that take you up on your offer of a free trial or ebook can increase your sales. Autoresponders make it simple to get started. Below, you'll find 4 useful tips that can make your follow up series more successful. 1. Ask for questions and comments Maybe lots of your subscribers have the same question and providing the answer is all that you need to do to get them to order from you.
In order to create a steady and dependable income with an internet business you as the business owner must understand the value and necessity of continued contact with your customers. Yours is not the only business that has a website and is quite possibly marketing the same type of product. If you do not continually follow up with your current customers then you may find that they have moved to a business that does.
When a prospect visits your website for the first time it is highly unlikely that they will make a purchase. Many studies have been done concerning the number of contacts required and most agree that the minimum number is seven.
When conducting follow up contact with our customers and potential customers our goal should be to build a relationship based on trust and credibility. In order to establish trust with our customers we need to provide timely, valuable, and personalized follow up communication. As a secondary benefit of this communication we will build our own credibility.
With even a moderately popular website you will quickly realize that managing your contact list and providing follow up communication is taxing to say the least and as your website grows in popularity the process will only become more difficult. Relax, there is a 100% automated solution to your contact management problem.
Automate with an Autoresponder.
An autoresponder is either software that you can purchase and install on your server or a service to which you can subscribe. It provides the day to day management of your contact list as well as the scheduling and distribution of your follow up contact messages.
Messages may be loaded into the autoresponder and distributed at selected intervals. For example, message 1 could be triggered as soon as a visitor submits their email, the second message may go out on day 2, followed by another on day 7. There is no limit to the number of messages that you can send this way.
Once you have loaded the messages you no longer have to worry about getting the proper message out on the proper day. This will be done automatically with no further intervention on your part.
Time…Save it
The purpose and function of your autoresponder is to manage your contact list and send correspondence. Here are just a few things that you might do with it.
1.) Spend a few hours creating the messages that you plan to send out over the next week or even the next month. Then load them into your autoresponder and set them to be distributed at predefined intervals. You can prepare an entire month’s correspondence in a few hours.
2.) Create a set of “how to” messages that detail how to make use of your product. Break it up into a number of parts and call it an e-course. Set your autoresponder to send out your messages in order and at specific times.
3.) Write a set of tips. These tips should be simple things that the average user of your product might need to know. Once again set them up to be distributed over time.
Things to Remember
Your autoresponder can help build your business and customer loyalty, use the following tips to maximize the results.
1.) Regular Contact
Contact your customers regularly. You should be sending messages once per week at minimum. Keep your name and business fresh in their minds.
2.) First Name.
Every autoresponder has a feature that will allow you to use the name supplied by your customer when they subscribed to your list. Using this name will give your customer the feeling that the message that they received was sent to them by someone that they know.
3.) Keep it simple
When writing your messages speak as if you were talking to the customer. Most email that they get is formal and stuffy so be different. Speak to the customer not at them.
4.) Interesting and relevant
When your customer chose to subscribe to your list they did so because you have a product or service that they are interested in. Always make sure that your messages are interesting and on subject.
Autoresponders are wonderful business tools but they cannot do their job alone. They need your input. If used correctly an autoresponder can help your business grow exponentially.
About the Author
Ryan Price is a leading expert in building effective websites that are user friendly. To sign up for Ryan's free monthly newsletter and "Get The Best Website Building and Marketing Tips Delivered To Your email Every Month" visit www.buildncreatewebsites.com
Source: Email Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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