
Email Newsletter Frequency

Posted by: Email Designer    Posted on: July 10, 2008

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Sure, you know how to handle email. You're probably flooded with the stuff and deal with it as effectively as you can. But is this good enough? Maybe, but I sure get a lot of email that completely ignores well established rules. And even defies common sense. Here are my pet peeves.Line Length: A line of 80 characters is about twice as hard to read as one of 65.

Sending Commercial Email
With more and more court rulings on commercial email, it is becoming difficult to send people information via email without being labelled a spammer. So, how can a small business owner get their message out (via email) without losing their ISP and receiving tons of hate mail (often including malicious programs called "bombs")?You have two choices: 1.

The Two Outlooks for Email
Most of us have both the Outlook programs on our computer: the Microsoft Outlook and the Outlook Express. On the face of it, both look more-or-less the same, and few of us actually take the trouble to find out their plus and minus points. But I did examine both of them carefully with surprising results, and I would like to share my findings with you.

How to Prevent Virus thro' Email
Recently my Norton Anti-Virus (NAV) detected a virus coming through email. This happened as my preview pane was open in the Inbox and it opened the virus email automatically as soon as it was downloaded. The NAV could not repair the file so I had to delete the infected file. I found to my utter horror that deleting the file disabled my browser.

Mining eMail Gold
------------------------------------------------------------ Mining eMail Gold By Jeffrey Jordan, Copyright 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------Ther's gold in them thar hills... or more likely, in the good graces of your prospects and customers. We are out of the dog days of summer and the holiday season is quickly approaching.

Get Your Emails Organized, Part II : Fight Spam !
In the last few years the extent of Spam (unsolicited email) has multiplied a hundred times. Have you taken measures to reduce spam to a minimum ? If not, I will give you some hints how you can fight this new evil of the information age . Those annoying violators of your privacy are not worth your valuable time.

Top 5 Tips To Building A Large, RESPONSIVE List
Regardless of which type of product or service you're marketing Online, building an in house list of prospects is absolutely essential.One thing that is often not taken into consideration is subscriber quality and retention.Having a big list won't benefit you if it's members are unresponsive.

Marketing through email newsletters is one of the most effective ways of staying in contact with customers and keeping them up with recent announcements, sales and more. The question arises however, how often do I send my newsletters, and what should I say? The first thing to remember in creating a newsletter campaign, is to make it focus on what you can offer the customer, rather than focusing on your business. The first thing someone thinks when they open an email is something along the lines of “How is this going to benefit me?” Instead of “I wonder what’s going on at ABC company?” If you want to increase your CTR (Click Through Rate), and increase the effectiveness of your email marketing campaign make sure you are offering customers something that will benefit or inform them of an upcoming event. Back to my main point, how often should you send newsletters? This really can differ from business to business, but in most cases as long as you have good content and continue to get good response, send out as many as you want, though generally this is not the case. For most businesses I suggest sending a monthly newsletter that gives people an overview of what kind of sales or specials are currently going on, and what is coming up in the future. Weekly newsletters are great if you have enough new and exciting information to create a quality newsletter every week, however you run the risk of sending too many newsletters and having people opt-out of your email list. Or you could fall somewhere in between and run a bi-weekly newsletter to keep interest high, but still be able to produce enough quality information so that people want to read it. Whatever your frequency, make sure that you keep it consistent so people will come to expect and look forward to your newsletters.

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Email Newsletter Frequency
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Targeted Direct Email Marketing Important Tip
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