
How to Improve Your Sales with AutoResponders.

Posted by: George Zuwala    Posted on: November 20, 2006

More Email Articles

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Opt-in Marketing Strategies
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Email Marketing Subscriber Retention Strategies
In email marketing, it is observed that too much emphasis is being placed on the importance of growing the customer list. Many marketers feel that the whole marketing campaign is dependent on this growth to achieve its ultimate objective. Nevertheless, it is a well known fact that from the business point of view, it is definitely more cost-effective to retain the current list of subscribers than to look for new ones.

How to Improve Your Sales with AutoResponders.

Do you have an autoresponder?

Are you really taking advantage of this powerful tool?

Here are some valuable tips on how to maximize the usage of your auto responder and in turn create more sales for your business:

1. Start with publishing a free report to send to your database. These reports should be related to your business or web site & contain info on the subject matter that you're the expert on. People love getting freebies and your list will love this.

2. Now you can also develop a survey to send to those who sign up on your site in exchange for a free eBook, software or trial period at your membership site. This type of information will be very valuable to help you understand their needs, likes & dislikes better.

3. Instead of answering each customers questions that they have e-mailed you with, just publish a "FAQ" page and make it available to those who sign up thru your autoresponder. This will then save you time and possible support headaches.

4. Instead of publishing all of your customer testimonials or endorsements on your website, publish only a few there. Then you can set up an auto responder form that invites visitors to receive a complete list. Give them a power-packed list; don't hold back, it's more effective to include all of them. You can always have a link that goes back to your web page to make sure they can see the other ones again.

5. Make sure you have your auto responder paid in full each month via a credit card. I know this may sound obvious to some. This could save you a little embarrassment by your potential guests not receiving anything. Hopefully the reason you forgot to pay the autoresponder company was because you're so busy making money and not because you're not making any money.

These are a just a few simple and yet effective ways in maximizing your autoresponder.

About the Author

George Zuwala has been doing business online since 1995 and he and his partners have tired and tested 100's of opportunities and spent over $109,000 dollars in finding out what works and most importantly what doesn't. We will continue to do so on a daily basis because we hate scams. For more information go to

Source: Email Articles on

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