
Uncover The Best Email Marketing Resources Known To Man

Posted by: Kevin Tyler Smith    Posted on: July 17, 2008

More Email Articles

"5 Powerful Free List-Building Tactics!"
1. Promote your email list through an affiliate program. At you can easily set-up your own affiliate program at zero cost. You then just pay your affiliates a small commission per subscriber, or credit them with advertising impressions in your publication.

Email Overload
Email overload is such a big problem that I believe your Site Pro News subscribers would love to read several practical tips for coping.If you wish to publish this article in Site Pro News, please feel free to include it entirely or edit as you see fit. I think it would be beneficial to include the short bio and links at the bottom of the article.

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Email Business Etiquette! by BB Lee (C)2002Email etiquette is fundamental stuff...for most Online Business people. In fact, think of how you respond to Online messages as important image management. Handling your messages the correct way will make you appear professional while building your reputation Online as a responsive, attentive, business person, who really cares about his customers.

8 Quick, Hot Reasons You Should Offer an E-mail Course Today!
1. E-mail courses are generally quick and easy to create. Contents for your e-mail courses are everywhere -- old articles, interviews, information from doing research. You only need to know how to organize them and make the content easy to understand and follow.2. You can append your sales letters at the end of your e-mail courses.

11 Creative Ways You Can Use Autoresponders
1. Pick 4 or more articles you've written that have a common theme and put them in an autoresponder series. Announce it on your site as an e-mail course on the go.2. If you have a page for related links, create a related links file and put it on autoresponder. This can be a one-page e-mail containing 15-50 links that are of interest to your visitors.

The most frequently asked question I receive from people who want to create and develop their own e-mail workshops, eCourses or tutorials is how to pick the most suitable topic to develop.Julie D. Raque is a business and personal coach who runs Matrix Coaching Services (

Black Hole Lists
When you send an email across the internet, you must first log into your ISP's email system. Generally, you set the login information (username and password) in some setup screen, then quickly forget about it. However, behind the scenes your username and password are used to log in each and every time you send email.

Online advertising through email has garnered a considerable amount of trust among marketers, and has gained considerable visibility on the Internet. The long list of options, and effects, that may be brought about by online marketing all come together with the idea of gaining product visibility and customer patronage, obtainable through the easy, convenient, and low-cost technology of email communication.

Email marketing extends from company notices for the customer regarding product information and purchase-related concerns, to entire newsletters that include every possible piece of knowledge related to the product that marketer wants to make customers aware of. The information that may be included in an email marketing communiqué is endless, and comes down merely to message selection and execution designed to have the greatest impact on the customer.

Considering this trend, there have emerged an extensive number of resources available to marketers who want to take advantage of the benefits of email marketing. These tools offer a vast range of tools from marketing advice, industry news, and directories that may prove essential for effective marketing strategies:


One of the most trusted email marketing resources online, this website provides technology-related news, Internet research results, company features, expert opinion pieces, and even case studies and interviews regarding a number of available products, and emerging online trends.

iMedia Connections

This site works to provide various products and services for email marketers, with one of their offers being an information hub of several email techniques that email marketers may take into consideration upon launching their ad campaigns.


This page that at first glance takes the look of a simple online blog provides valuable information regarding the best and most effective practices to be considered by any marketer using email as a main communication tool. Focused on email marketing, the website features article with titles such as "Use Serialization to Boost Your Readership", "Study Reveals Email Tactics of Top U.S. Retailers", "Cool Email Idea: Email to Encourage Store Traffic", and "How to make sure your email is legal".

The website is a great information source for tips and reminders related to email marketing.

This provides a comprehensive online directory that features email marketing agencies, email consultants, and various services that give assistance for other online marketing strategies such as online ad space, cost-per-click ads, and newsletters.

One of the biggest information sources on the World Wide Web, this collection of articles and other resources contains a section on email marketing, complete with everything from tips, technology and marketing strategies, and other related pieces of advice that may in the long run be valuable to advertisers.

Some of the available entries include those titled "Instruments of Email Marketing", "Address Recipients with Their Name in Email Campaigns", "Email Marketing Needs to Reflect Your Corporate Design," and "Inform Your ISP About Your Email Marketing Activities."

Email Marketer's Club

A haven for advertisers depending on the email technology for their marketing needs. This website provides an online network for email marketers, thereby providing their subscribers access to contacts, advice, and other information that can only be gained from those involved in the same game they are.

Campaign Monitor

The website provides a source of ideas for email marketing designs, with contributions as well as suggestions centering on the most common design issues.

Email marketers interested in achieving the greatest level of effectiveness from their email designs will find assistance with a featured product that promises "no nasty templates or design restrictions", "comprehensive design testing," and the option to "run your email through spam filters before you send it."

Other features include other additional tools such as email personalization, a Send schedule, and other related elements.

To learn what most network marketers will never know about how to market via email follow the link in my resource box now.

About the Author

Kevin Tyler Smith is an expert Internet network marketer. "Who Wants To Learn How To Profit In MLM Online In 24 Hours or Less Using A Secret Strategy To Pull Profits In MLM In Less Than A Day.... While Exploding Your Downline Growth? Not only is it fast, but it's lazy" Everything explained on the other side: >>> Listen In As I Explain

Source: Email Articles on

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