Best Elliptical Trainer - What To Look For In A Crosstrainer
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Choosing the best elliptical trainer for you can be tough decision. If you are new to the world of ellipticals, the term "elliptical" literally means to be oval shaped. An elliptical trainer uses a smooth oval like movement to provide smooth movement that is both easy and fun. An elliptical machine works when you stand on soft footpads, and hold handgrips that will help with balance issues. Depending on the model you purchase, your machine may have an upper body workout feature as well. The exercise itself is a lot like walking or running. However, while you are bearing weight on your feet, your feet will not leave the footpads, so you will not experience the level of joint impact you might with walking or running on a treadmill. You, therefore, get an excellent total body workout in a very low impact environment.
What Do I Look For In An Elliptical
1. The first thing you should consider is your price range. You can buy an elliptical trainer for anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. The more money you invest in the machine, the closer you will come to health club quality, but not every person using an elliptical wants or needs health club quality machines. Part of choosing the best elliptical trainer for you includes deciding how much money you want to spend. Remember, buying exercise equipment should never break the bank. Exercise is not designed to be an expensive activity.
2. The second thing to consider is the features you want. One feature you should consider is resistance control. You can either choose manual or electronic control. Manual is cheaper, but the electronic model usually measures your heart rate for you. Another feature you need to consider are the available programs. Some ellipticals come with no programs. Others have several. Typically, more than three programs is enough, but that's for you to decide.
3. The final thing to consider is the customer satisfaction with the company. This could include some thoughts about the warranty. You should probably do your homework with regard to whatever company you've decided makes the best elliptical trainer. Even the best equipment that does not come with a warranty can be a real problem. Read customer reviews, and you will get a pretty good idea of the customer satisfaction level with the company.
About the Author
Dean Iggo is the webmaster of providing a review of the best treadmill machines and used fitness equipment including, ellipticals and dumbbells from top brands including Proform, Precor, Total Gym, Smooth, Weider and more.
Source: Fitness Articles on
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