Integrative Manual Therapy
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What is it
One of the body's most amazing attributes is its ability to heal itself. Most health problems occur due to blockages and other dysfunctions that slow down or reduce the body's healing properties. Integrative Manual Therapy is a unique set of techniques and methodologies that address pain, dysfunction, disease and disability by locating the causes of these dysfunctions or blockages and reopening the body's natural lines of communication. Once this inherent flow is re-established, the body's healing abilities also take over and right the imbalances present. Integrative Manual Therapy was developed by Dr. Sharon Weiselfish-Giammatteo in the 1970's.
How does it work
Integrative Manual Therapy, or IMT as it is called, is a health care process that encompasses a wide range of health care practices. It achieves health and healing by taking into account the diverse systems of the human body and addressing dysfunction at the cellular level. The therapy consists of a combination of functional and structural forms of rehabilitation that stem directly from the treatment of the musculoskeletal system.
The basic concept behind integrative manual therapy is that no part of the body functions independently, without being affected by its other parts. Therefore, integrative manual therapy treats the entire body as a whole and not just the area of pain and discomfort. Using this interconnectedness of multiple body systems, IMT therapists assist the body's own innate intelligence to take corrective action.
During a typical IMT session, the therapist will first will locate any problems in your musculoskeletal structure, organs or organ-systems by using a series of gentle tapping motions with his or her hands along your body. Once the problem areas have been identified, the therapist uses gentle, non-invasive strokes to the body in order to encourage the healing process.
IMT addresses rehabilitation in two categories - Structural rehabilitation and Functional rehabilitation. Structural rehabilitation improves structural integrity of the body. It addresses joint mobility, muscle tone, soft tissue flexibility, range of motion, and muscle control. Functional rehabilitation addresses balance, coordination, strength, endurance, hearing, vision, speech, smell, learning, and behavior.
What are its benefits
During the course of integrative therapy, the therapist is able to address the imbalances in the body in a non invasive way. This results in long lasting stabilizations within the body. It also allows the body to tap into its own self-healing capacity. Some of the common ailments that can greatly benefit from integrated manual therapy are back pain, neck pain, stiffness in joints, menstrual cramps, incontinence, acid reflux and other digestive problems, tendonitis, headaches and sleep apnea.
About the Author
Sharon Hopkins, webmaster for Massage Health Therapy explains different massages to revitalize you on your road to good health. She also writes for Aromatherapy, Yoga, Hair-n-Skin-Care besides many other health related site
Source: Fitness Articles on
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