
Training For Your Mind That Will Dramatically Reshape Your Body And Your Mind

Posted by: Zach Hunt    Posted on: March 29, 2008

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Striving to reach your fitness goals? Would you like to know the most valuable tool to get there?

Well, I would be telling you the truth, all possible through training.

Without sounding like an infomercial for some miracle pill or magic juice, what is this mystery force. Simply put, it is your mind! Training for your mind!!

Like Albert Gyorgyi says, "Whatever a man does he must do first in his mind."

I wholeheartedly agree with that statement, it's the truth. You can't write without thinking about what you are going to write about first, you can't say anything unless you think of it first, well at least anything meaningful.

Training Concept: Every single thing that you do originate in your mind. Whether that be an easy task such as writing your name, (hopefully easy for you), or a harder task - when you may not know the path to your goal.

Picture yourself - how do you want to look? See in yourself what you want others to see.

Being overweight not only weighs on the body but a mind. It can just be temporary - it's up to you. I have to say as a Fitness Coach - if you are going to be fit and healthy you have to start thinking like a fit and healthy person. Mike Todd summed this up well.....

Training Concept # 2: "I've never been poor, only broke. Being poor is a frame of mind. Lack of money isn't a permenant situation." You must believe it yourself before you can actually do something. You are never going to be able to do something if you don't think you can or don't believe you can't.

If you are stuck in a "heavy mindset", your body will stay the same accordingly.

Fitness goals can be reached! Planning is a key part. Do you plan your grocery list before you go?

Or do you go around the isles letting your stomach decide for you what you will buy at the time. I always advocate shopping with a list when you are full. If you plan out your grocery shopping trip you are much more likely to get only what's on your list.

Then you don't have those extra boxes of twinkles or bag of cookies sneaking into your shopping cart - which would be a very bad temptation to have lurking in your house - unless you eat everything on the way home in the car.

The title of a great book, "Battlefield Of The Mind", says it all in the title.

Training Concept #3: Decisions can be tough but don't make it a bigger issue that it needs to be. You are tempted to dive into that freshly baked double-triple fudge cake at the office party, are you going to sit their staring at it and try and decide what you should do, weighing the pro's and con's in your mind.

Or are you going to let your goals decide for you. You say to yourself I already thought this out, and this won't help me reach my goals, so you happily reject the temptation and move on to the delightful broccoli casserole.

Let your mind decide what your future will be rather than your stomach and rely on your Training.

Plan out and determine what you want to happen in the future, and how you are going to go about getting there. Without the desire inside oneself, circumstances play a substantial role.

Go for some training and set your mind to create the right circumstances in order for you to succeed on your journey to fitness.

About the Author

Zach Hunt is a training expert, personal trainer and owner of Physzique, a fitness coaching service in Spokane, WA. Go here: or you can go here for more training tips:

Source: Fitness Articles on

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