
What To Look For In A Cosmetic Dentsist

Posted by: Terry Ross    Posted on: October 11, 2006

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One of the main pitfalls of cosmetic dentistry is choosing the wrong cosmetic dentist. As with plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures, a successful result is largely dependant on the professional and in this case cosmetic dentist that you choose.

Most cosmetic dentistry is extremely visual with poor results being immediately apparent to everyone you see. If you want to feel good in the knowledge that you look good then you need to make sure you are careful when selecting a cosmetic dentist to perform your cosmetic procedure.

As with most things it's easy to get ahead of yourself once you have decided to undergo a cosmetic procedure and just choose a dentist as quickly as possible without giving quality of work any consideration. Most people believe that a dentist is a dentist and that all dentists can perform cosmetic dentistry procedures to the same standard.

The truth is that mainstream family dentists are not trained in the field of cosmetic dentistry and not all cosmetic dentists are able to adequately perform every cosmetic procedure. A dentist who is good at dental implants or dental bridges may not be so experienced in dental bonding for example and a cosmetic dentist that specialises in teeth whitening might be good with whitening products and dental veneers but not so experienced in dental braces.

A good starting point is to get a recommendation for a cosmetic dentist from someone who has already had some cosmetic dentistry work done or, if you are friendly with your family dentist they may be able to point you in the direction of a cosmetic dentist who specialises in the cosmetic procedure that you are interested in having done.

If you can't get a good recommendation and you have to resort to yellow pages to find a cosmetic dentist in your area don't be afraid to check out a few.

Prices are something that you need to know but shouldn't be the only basis for making your final decision as to which cosmetic dentist you choose.

Go for an initial consultation with more than one cosmetic dentist to get a good feel for the surroundings and what experience the dentist has. Discuss what you want to have done and listen to what the cosmetic dentist has to say and then compare the response with future and/or previous consultations.

Don't be afraid to ask to see before and after photos of previous clients smile makeovers (clarify that the pictures you are shown are the dentists own work) and make sure that any cosmetic dentist you choose has the relevant experience in the area of cosmetic dentistry that you require.

If you want a recommendation a good cosmetic dentist shouldn't have a problem with arranging for you to speak to previous clients that have had similar treatment to what is being proposed for you.

At the end of the day cosmetic dentistry is an art. The work that a cosmetic dentist performs is one of the very first things that is seen by everyone you meet. If you want cosmetic dental work then the likelihood is that you care about how you look so take your time, do some ground work and only entrust your cosmetic dentistry procedure to the best cosmetic dentist you can find.

About the Author

For more on cosmetic dentistry go to

Source: Fitness Articles on

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