
Companion Planting for a Healthier Garden

Posted by: Jason Anderson    Posted on: December 18, 2007

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Is your garden overrun with pest insects Are your plants not growing as well as you would like Do you want to increase the yield of your vegetables Then companion planting may be just what you are looking for.

Companion planting is an easy-to-use method that can help plants grow larger and healthier. It's extremely popular in organic gardening, since you don't need to buy or use any chemicals on your plants to reap the benefits. But even if you don't practice organic gardening, you can still use the same methods to get happier plants and larger crops.

The idea of companion planting is extremely simple. Certain combinations of plants, when planted next to each other, will improve the growth of one or both of the plants. This can be due to the effect one of the plants has on the soil, by attracting beneficial insects to the area (for example, attracting pollinators like bees), or even by repelling pests.

There are many plant combinations that work well together. One combination that dates back many centuries (it was originally used by Native Americans) is known by the nickname of "The Three Sisters". This involves planting corn, beans and squash together in the same area. The corn provides a structure for the beans to grow up. The beans fix nitrogen in the soil, which helps the corn and squash grow. The squash performs triple duty â€" it provides a ground cover that restricts the growth of weeds, it helps keep moisture in the soil by acting as a living mulch, and the prickly hairs of it's vines deter pests.

But just as some plants benefit from being planted next to each other, others hate being next to each other. Planting them together can make one or both of the plants grow much slower, and potentially reduce their yield. For example tomatoes hate growing near potatoes or corn. Strangely enough, this hatred doesn't always go both ways. While corn also hates growing next to tomatoes, potatoes don't care if they are planted next to either vegetable (and in fact like being near corn).

Companion planting is an extremely simple idea that improves growth in your plants, but requires no extra work after planting your crops. Why don't you try it the next time you plant out your garden

About the Author

Jason Anderson invites you to find out more about companion planting and how it can make your garden grow faster, healthier and produce larger crops than you ever thought possible.

Source: Gardening Articles on

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