
Landscaping Can Improve Your Quality of Life

Posted by: Bob Wright    Posted on: January 27, 2008

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What Garden Plants Last Year After Year
Different plants have different life spans. Annual plants live only one year. Perennial plants live for many years. There are two types of perennial plants; woody perennials, which are shrubs and rose bushes, and herbaceous perennials, which make up the bulk of the perennial flower plants. Annuals Annuals generally propagate by seed and can be easily grown from seeds.

How To Make The Garden Look Its Best
A narrow bed isn't wide enough to show off layers of plants. A flower bed would be wonderful, but with a pond in the center it will be even better. The best way to plant a flower garden is normally on a sloping or level ground, this will help with water runoff, if you plant on a steep slope the soil will erode and get washed away because of the force of the water.

Four Steps to an Easy Successful Garden
Every garden is the end result of four basic steps: Planning, Preparation, Planting and Maintenance. These four steps can be as simple or as complicated as the gardener chooses to make them. Gardeners who want a small and simple cutting garden will use the same steps as gardeners who want a large and elaborate series of gardens.

Starting The Perfect Garden
Starting the perfect garden really seems like it should be a simple task. In reality, there is much to be considered when attempting to create the perfect garden. What may constitute a perfect garden on two acres of land certainly wouldn't be the same perfect garden on a plot in the city. The perfect garden for New England will not constitute the perfect garden for Florida.

Goldfish Plant - A Wonderful Addition to Your Houseplant Collection
The native land of Goldfish plant is the tropics of Central America, Costa Rica and the Caribbean. In wild nature this is an epiphytic plant, so under indoor conditions it feels good grown in hanging baskets. Goldfish plant is a wonderful present for those who are fond of window gardening, for its whimsical orange flowers may be a gorgeous ornament of the room.

Purchasing Garden Equipment
The purchase of garden equipment is relatively easy when you know what it is that you are looking for. The obvious garden equipment such as hoes, rakes, and shovels are simply purchased based on size, price, and functionality. One of the most overlooked gardening tools is the edger. An edger has more than just the obvious function of creating an edge when forming a new garden.

Houseplants: Easier Than You Think
Growing house plants is an extremely simple thing to do, and yet many people still think that growing houseplants requires some very special skill. This article is here to tell you that this is simply not true, and that anyone (yes, anyone) can be a successful indoor gardener. Before you begin to build your houseplant collection into something you can be proud of is to pay attention to one simple rule.

Landscaping is one of the most cost effective tools for improving your garden and sustaining the quality of life, whether in the city, the suburbs, or the country, a pleasing backyard or garden is always a pleasure to come home to. Landscaping is often also more sophisticated as it makes use of living elements â€" flora and fauna, also natural elements, such as landforms, or bodies of water are used. Landscaping done by specialists can be costly, but many undertake the landscape project themselves which can rewarding and very cost effective. A thoroughly prepared plan before commencement is very important to guarantee a success. Study and research what type of landscaping plants will be happy with your soil. Take note of fully grown sizes with the tallest at the back to the shortest at the front. Research and study landscape ideas pictures to help you with your design.


Landscapers like to use man-made elements such as fences, fountains and other structures in addition to numerous plants. Landscape software programs help you design and plan out your landscaping, all in the virtual world. Landscape lighting serves as an excellent visual guide, as it highlights the beauty of specific aspects of your garden or landscape. Backyard landscape ideas There is nothing better than relaxing outdoors on a warm summer night watching your backyard landscaping ideas come to life.


Plants native to the area are a good choice for the landscape as they have naturally adapted to local conditions and look "at home" in the landscape. Plants placed closer than this distance to the street can block the driver's view of the street from the car. Summer shade is best provided by strategically located plants along the sunny borders of the home. Plan for Sunny Perennial Beds With Drought-Tolerant Plants.

Natural Landscaping

Natural landscaping is an opportunity to re-establish diverse native plants, thereby inviting the birds and butterflies back home. Natural landscaping does not pose the hazards that the weed laws are intended to address (e. Natural landscaping applies to a wide array of landscaping techniques that help retain natural landscape features, including wetlands, woodlands and natural drainage features. Natural landscaping costs less to install than traditional landscaping and, after the initial few years, reduces maintenance costs, combats erosion, and accommodates storm and flood waters better.


Maintenance of natural landscapes is quite simple, involving annual mowing or burning, and some weed removal (mostly in the few years after installation). Landscaping Maintenance You have just finished landscaping your yard and you are pleased with the results.

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