Skip Laurel or Kalmia
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Landscaping Can Improve Your Quality of Life
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Did You Know That Landscaping Can be A Real Stress-Reducer
You have a hectic schedule, in that you have a family to take care of, and a stressful job. What you really need is something to reduce all that stress that you have been experiencing lately â€" something that can really be productive at the same time. The yard needs to be fixed up, so why don’t you try landscaping About Landscaping You might think that landscaping can be even more stress, but really, landscaping is only as much stress as you let it be.
Skip Laurel
The Skip Laurel or Prunus laurocerasus Schipkaensis is a dark green, narrow-leaved form of the evergreen laurel. It is an upright grower, reaching a height of 6-9 feet and narrower than wide plant.
The Skip Laurel is a medium rate grower, averaging about 6-8 inches a year. Deer will eat this variety during a hard winter.
Skip Laurels are evergreen in the Pennsylvania area and is good in zones 6-8. It does best in morning sunlight and afternoon shade, but will tolerate all day shade. Skip Laurel will tolerate pruning very well. It is easy to transplant due to the fibrous root system. This also makes it a good plant near homes, walkways and streets as the roots will not damage foundations.
Flowers occur in the spring. They are white on a wide raceme and very fragrant.
The Skip Laurel is an excellent plant for shady borders, mass plantings, and hedges.
Mountain Laurel
Mountain Laurel also known as Kalmia is a colorful additions to any landscape. The size varies from 6-15 feet in height and has a spread of about the same. This varies from location to location depending on conditions.
Kalmia is a relatively slow grower, producing 4-6 inches of growth a year. More importantly, a newer consideration, is the deer resistance of these plants. So in spite of slow growth there will still be growth on the plant. Kalmia will become a large robust plant if given room.
Kalmia is evergreen in the Pennsylvania area and is good in zones 4-9. It does best in morning sunlight and afternoon shade, but will tolerate all day shade. It is a very robust shrub and easy to transplant due to the fibrous root system. This also makes it a good plant near homes, walkways and streets as the roots will not damage foundations.
Flowers occur in the spring. There are many new colors available. Most are white to rose with markings on each flower head.
Kalmia is an excellent native plant for shady borders, mass plantings, and naturalized areas.
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About the Author
Marge has raised a family, been an educator and worked the family farm and nursery, all at the same time. Enough said!!! Her web sites include and
Source: Gardening Articles on
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