Tips to Selecting the Best Gardening Tools
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The Main Difference Between a Tulip Bulb and a Seed
When you look at any blooming flower, whether it is a tulip or a wildflower, you see the very last stage of its growth. Not all flowers start the same way, though. There is a difference between a tulip bulb and a seed that every gardener should know. To learn more, read the following information. Let's start with the basic definition of an ordinary flower bulb.
Growing Fruits Using Hydroponics
Would you like to try growing your own fresh fruits year round, but live in an area where, due to cold temperatures, snow or poor soil, you are unable to do so outdoors Instead, why not try hydroponics, a form of gardening in which you can grow plants without any soil at all. There are several different types of fruits you could consider growing in a hydroponic manner.
Hydroponics Gardening Requires Planning
If you are a gardener who wants to garden but has obstacles to overcome in terms of soil and climate, why not give hydroponic gardening a try Hydroponics is a method of gardening in which you grow plants without using any soil. It has been used in parched African lands as well as by NASA scientists, where the land was unsuitable for growing crops, or there was no soil available.
The Value of Hid Lights
Gardeners are a resourceful group. No matter in what sort of growing conditions they work, they endeavor to make it succeed. If you live in an apartment, you have only a small amount of space to devote to gardening, whereas a large nursery has much room set aside indoors for the purpose of growing plants.
Distinguished Decorating with Bronze Horse Statues
Have you ever been out sightseeing with family or friends only to come across a magnificent sculpture of something so unique that it practically took your breath away That is exactly the kind of response you would get with a bronze horse statue. Your statue could be located at the entrance of your driveway for all passersby to admire or placed as an eye catcher at the entrance of a secluded ranch.
Answers to Common Irrigation Questions
Your lawn only needs a few basic things to grow and flourish. Water is one of those basic elements needed to have a great lawn. Watering should be simple, but there are so many factors that influence the way it should be done that it is often difficult to know what to do. Watering requirements depend on several factors: soil type, climate, temperatures, wind, humidity, rain frequency, grass type, and maintenance practices.
Blueberries: The Super Food that is Super Easy to Grow
Blueberries are not only delicious, but considered an antioxidant super-food and one of the healthiest fruits around. While they can be pricey in the supermarket - blueberries are surprisingly easy to grow throughout the U.S. So why not grow your own According to Nicholas Staddon, director of new plants for Monrovia, blueberries have been gaining tremendous popularity among home gardeners for many reasons.
Different types of gardens require different types of garden tools. Hardware stores typically offer a wide range of tools, but specialty shops offer more exclusive garden tools that shout quality. Wherever you decide to shop, here are a few pointers to help you choose correctly.
Is your garden large or small A small garden obviously won't require the same type of large garden equipment you would need for a more extensive one. For instance, a riding mower is unnecessary if you only have a small strip of lawn. Who does most of the gardening Some tools are too heavy for use by just anyone.
When you buy secateurs, also called hand pruners or pruning shears, make sure the blade always stays sharp to avoid damaging the plant. Look for models that have blades that can be sharpened or replaced, as well as models with tension control and sizes that best fit your hands.
Hedge trimmers or shears are handy - but only if you have a hedge, or plan to grow one. Some hedge trimmers have curved blades to stop branches from sliding out when cut.
Forks are used for turning and aerating compost and for breaking up lumps of soil. The cheaper ones may not be strong enough for heavy soil, so check for sturdiness.
A shovel has a scoop blade and is best used to move dirt and garden soil. A spade has a flat blade great for cutting edges, digging and dividing plants. The edge of a spade should be kept sharp for clean and efficient cutting and to cause the least amount of damage to plants. Shovels and spades are a basic garden necessity. You need at least one of each.
While secateurs are for smaller plants like roses, pruning saws are used for pruning trees and larger shrubs. They have a narrow curved blade that fits between stems or branches easily and cuts them as you pull back on the saw.
A chipping hoe is a handy tool for getting rid of small weeds. The Dutch or push-hoe is slightly more user-friendly of the available choices since the action required to use it does not jar the neck and shoulder quite so much.
A rake is also a basic requirement for the garden. A strong rake with a flat head and sharp metal prongs is used for smoothing a garden bed and getting out the last of the bumps and weeds. A plastic rake is used to gather leaves and grass clippings and shouldn't be expected to perform heavier tasks.
While these are just a few of your options, you can see the variety of tools available to help you maintain a lush, healthy garden. Keep in mind that gardening tools don't have to be expensive. Many online shops can offer excellent deals for the tools you need. And you could even be blessed enough to find some things at flea markets or yard sales.
Article © 2007 by Darlene Bishop. All rights reserved worldwide.
About the Author
Darlene "Dee" Bishop is the owner of Bishop's Corner, an online/catalog shop offering over 3,500 quality gifts, home decor items, toys, housewares, gardener's delights and much more for every budget. Contact her online at today.
Source: Gardening Articles on
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