
Antibiotic Treatable Psychosis: Paill Spectrum Syndrome

Posted by: Dr Andrew Pluta    Posted on: May 30, 2007

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A number of patients with characteristic specific symptoms and signs have been identified in a general practice clinic.

A subset of these case descriptions, all demonstrate thought disorder. * Case A showed a disorganized type of thought disorder, with inability to answer questions logically. This changed rapidly on treatment, with return of normal thought processes. * Case B was fixated on a single illogical thought that was stated as "no bones."

* Case C was able to speak coherently but was experiencing auditory hallucinations. The voices had prompted him to jump out of a moving car and to stab himself with a knife on several occasions.

The basic symptom cluster of the Paill Spectrum Syndrome found "variably" in all these patients includes:

* Chronic Fatigue or Tiredness, * Sweaty hands, * Abdominal Tenderness in para-aortic regions * Loss of Balance. * A characteristic learning disability (dyslexia like), may be present. * The behavioural component of the symptom cluster includes: irritability and mood swings, aggression and proneness to violence, loss of short-term memory or forgetfulness, impulsiveness, and small episodes of panics or jitters.

These cases are all associated with a characteristic pattern of medical symptoms and signs, as well as a characteristic pattern of blood tests findings. The "symptom and blood test" patterns were identified through longitudinal case control observations of patients in general practice.

There are blood tests measuring nutrition and inflammation status in Paill Spectrum Syndrome:

* Identified nutritional abnormalities include: borderline or deficient B12/ folate status, antigliaden antibodies greater than 25% reference range as calibrated for endoscopically proven Celiac disease, and low normal zinc levels. * Identified inflammatory abnormalities include a total quantified antibody level (GAM) greater than 11, occasional appearance of low C3 and minor elevations of ANF. FBC is characteristically normal.

While the EPP Gamma has been used as an assessment for initial cases, it has been replaced by a quantitation of IgG+IgA+IgM. Treatments instituted for the Paill Spectrum Syndrome were: * Daily multivitamin supplement * 44 mg elemental zinc daily * Antibiotics: Minocycline 100 mg daily for a minimum of three months . Results: in all cases: Improvement or Resolution of the thought disorder becomes obvious from within two weeks. Substantial obvious mood improvement in terms of reduced irritability and reduced anger were also noticed within two weeks. Changes were obvious to the patient, their relatives and their carers. Treatment achieves a plateau of mood improvement and thought disorder improvement, within about three months. Dr. Andrew Pluta (Contact via website : Clinical Contact pages)

About the Author

Dr Andrew Pluta is a medical practitioner in Brisbane, Australia.

Source: Health Articles on

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