
Are You Considering A Tummy Tuck In Santa Monica Or Los Angeles?

Posted by: Michael McGuire, M.D.    Posted on: July 18, 2008

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Liposuction Can Provide Much More Than Just A Tummy Tuck In Santa Monica Or Los Angeles

If you have unsightly fat in your midsection that you just can’t seem to get rid of, you might consider liposuction in Santa Monica or Los Angeles.

With the help of liposuction in Santa Monica or Los Angeles, you can trim up those unsightly flabby areas that you despise -- and finally have the tighter leaner body you have been longing for.

The process of liposuction in Santa Monica or Los Angeles is really quite simple. First, a small stainless steel tube is inserted into the fat in the trouble spot and is connected to a suction pump. The fat is then suctioned out through small tunnels in the layers of fat. When these tunnels collapse, the body contour improves.

Of course, liposuction can provide more than just a tummy tuck in Santa Monica or Los Angeles. In fact, there are a number of trouble spots that can be addressed with this procedure. These include…

* Abdomen
* Arms
* Back
* Breasts
* Buttocks
* Face and Neck
* Hips
* Thighs
* Waist

Do you have fatty areas on your body you just can’t seem to lose?

Whether you are looking for a tummy tuck in Santa Monica or Los Angeles, or are looking to remove fat from trouble areas, liposuction may be just the answer you have been looking for!

About the Author

Dr. McGuire is an internationally known, leading plastic surgeon, Santa Monica based, and Chief of Plastic Surgery at the prestigious St. John's Hospital. He specializes in cosmetic surgery, including facelift, liposuction, breast enlargement, eyelid surgery, lip enlargement, and tummy tuck surgery. For additional information visit his website at

Source: Health Articles on

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