
Building Muscle With Nutritional Supplements

Posted by: Dave Tupniak    Posted on: July 18, 2008

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Odds are, your local health/vitamin shop carries a well-stocked supply of muscle building nutritional supplements. In fact, you may find that there are so many, it is difficult to decide which one to try. You probably have certain goals in mind, and it can be difficult to choose the supplement that will best help you to reach those goals, especially when there are so many to choose from. In this article, we will try to help you narrow down your choice.

You should know that you can build up muscle without using supplements, but using supplements will definitely help you achieve faster results. You still have to work at building muscle; it won?t happen if you just sit on the couch all day, no matter how many muscle building supplements you use. By having a well-planned weight lifting and workout routine that you do everyday, and using supplements, you can build muscle, if you are willing to work at it. The most popular supplements that muscle builders use are multivitamins, protein, and creatine.

Multi-vitamins are a nutritional supplement designed to help those who don?t always eat a proper diet provide their body with the vitamins it needs everyday. It is easy to get busy and just grab whatever food is handy, even if it isn?t the most nutritious option. If you take a daily multi-vitamin, your body won?t have to suffer when you don?t have the time to eat as you should. These vitamins may not do a lot to help you reach your muscle- building goals, but they can keep you healthy and boost your energy, which is also very important.

Many bodybuilders rely on protein supplements to augment their exercise routines. Protein contains potent amino acids, which are effective at building muscle. If you are interested in building muscle, you definitely need either a high protein diet, or a protein supplement. If you take a protein supplement, most research shows that you should use 2 grams for every pound you weigh. So, if you weigh 200 pounds, then you would take 400 grams of protein each day. Protein supplements come in many forms, pills, bars, and powders. Look for a protein supplement that is made up of eggs, soy and whey.

Creatine supplements will help you not only build muscle, but will also help your muscles recover faster after workouts. If you lift weights, some lifters say that they are able to do more reps when they use creatine supplements. You have what is known as a loading period, usually one week, and then you use it for a few weeks, stop, and start back again, depending on the supplement manufacturers directions found on the label.

The right nutritional supplements can help you build muscle, provided you use them correctly, and in conjunction with muscle building exercises and a healthy diet.

About the Author

Dave Tupniak
For more information on Supplements, please visit

Source: Health Articles on

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