
Chromotherapy: A Fascinating Similarity to Polarity

Posted by: Nicole Cutler, L.Ac.    Posted on: July 16, 2008

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It has long been known that color can affect us emotionally and physically. It is also recognized that color variances are created by light vibrating to different frequencies, much the same as sound. Professionals in the alternative, or complementary, healthcare fields utilize chromotherapy, a technique that uses the power of color and light to heal and bring balance into one's life.

Chromotherapy is thought to bring harmony to the body and mind by using various colors of the spectrum to influence the body's own vibrations. There is a belief that disease and discomfort is brought about by an imbalance of those life-sustaining rhythms, and that color therapy, when used knowledgeably, can correct this.

A therapist might use any combination of color and light intensities, and project them onto the client's body in order to bring around the desired effect. They might be placed on or near the specific chakra related to the color and body part. For example, the color green might be placed or projected onto the heart chakra in order to calm the nervous system or perhaps lower high blood pressure, while indigo, which corresponds to the crown chakra, might help to clear the sinuses.

Using energy, or subtle vibration, to help the body heal is not a new concept. Other recognized modalities, such as polarity therapy, integrate it into the routine of re-balancing. While polarity therapy may incorporate methods of holding and rocking, the emphasis is always on the energetic aspect of healing.

The science behind of these and other vibrational healing techniques originate in the very basic laws of physics. Everything is made up of moving molecules, which in turn are affected by other moving molecules. Using positively influenced vibrational techniques such as chromotherapy or polarity therapy are effective ways to return the body to a healthy and harmonious state of being.

Learn more about the similarity between chromotherapy and polarity therapy.

About the Author

The Institute for Integrative Healthcare Studies offers 35+ affordable and convenient home study CE programs. The Institute is approved by the NCBTMB as a CE Approved Provider and by the Florida Board of Massage Therapy. Credits also accepted by the AMTA, ABMP and most state boards.

Source: Health Articles on

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