Chronic Back Pain Relief by Acupuncture - A Proven Strategy
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When something isn't working, why keep taking that same route especially when it comes to chronic back pain? This is what we tell others when there is a constant problem, but everyone is sticking to their same routine. Have you ever thought about using acupuncture? You've probably heard of it before, but not necessarily for curing your lower back pain. In all actuality, it is one of the best treatments you can ever have if back pain is an ongoing issue. The unfortunate part is that it took almost two thousands years to become a known regiment from China to the United States around the early seventies.
Acupuncture is a form of therapy used to rid you of pain and in turn help your body to become healthy. Acupuncturists can do this through what is called acupoints, placing needles within these areas of your nervous system can stimulate parts of the body and create a healing effect. However, if you have a problem with your back the needles could be placed in your neck or foot regions that would alleviate the pain. This is due to the nerves running from one area to another and being connected to one another.
Something you must keep in mind that this is a serious procedure and not something that should be done by your best friend using instructions off the Internet. Acupunctures have to be done by a professionally licensed individual who takes pride in their work and can ultimately put you at ease. You'll find that while going in for back pain, there may be other ailments that dissolve after going to see someone of this nature. It is nothing short of a relaxation, almost like how most people feel after using massage therapy, but affecting you differently.
Just so you have a better understanding of how the system works, an acupuncturist doesn't just put a needle in your body and you're healed because of it. Doing so in the proper acupoint areas can presumably wake up the central nervous system and send off chemicals to the brain, spinal cord, and the muscles that can enhance several abilities that the body has to heal. Keep in mind this isn't everywhere, and it doesn't always happen, but it's a fact that pain killer chemicals may be activated along with other types of chemicals in the body.
In all, there are three hundred and sixty five different points of entry an acupuncturist can use. The major areas that several of the nerves connect to are called meridian lines. There are fourteen in all, and twelve of them work in part with each of our organs, the other two work with the spine and stomach. Take for example your heart meridian which is on the outer area of your wrist helping correct several disorders which include; depression, forgetfulness, mental illness and a few other challenges.
Another example would be the conception vessel which is located right below the belly button, and stimulating this area will help with anything having to do with disorders like hernia, menstrual problems, diarrhea and any others that pertain to the lower abdominal area. While these are great to think about if these are also the kinds of issues some of you are dealing with, we want to tell you exactly where the acupoints are that work for your lower back pain.
The urinary bladder meridian behind the knee, the kidney meridian behind the inner part of the ankle, and the spleen meridian which is located on the inner part of your leg right above the ankle are all areas that can contribute to helping with alleviating chronic back pain. There are several combinations as well that can be used to combat a particular issue, but that would cause us to get into medical terms which is not what we want to do. Having you understand how acupuncture works and what they actually do without it becoming confusing is our main goal.
If for whatever reason you are uncomfortable trying something of this sort, we suggest you try something different. Regardless, it should be discussed with your local physician about whether or not it's in your best interest to take this route, then ask why or why not. Just remember this is here to help you if there have been constant issues with back pain and if acupuncture is something that may make the world of difference, then get the okay from your physician and try it. The worst thing that can happen is you still have back pain in your lower areas.
About the Author
Joel Coolidge was a back pain sufferer himself until he found an effective way to treat it completely. A short daily routine of special exercises cured him permanently. Get more information regarding lower back pain.
Source: Health Articles on
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