Chronic back pain - Spinal braces for temporary relief
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There are many people that deal with chronic back pain every day of their lives. There can be a number of different things that can cause this type of discomfort and each person has their own reasons for having to deal with this type of issue.
Sometimes people suffer with back problems due to arthritis. It can also be caused from years of doing hard labor which can cause many different back conditions such as herniated disc, compressed fractures, spinal stenosis, bulging discs as well as other conditions.
One of the first things your doctor may try would be back pain exercises. This is a good way to strengthen your back muscles so that your back will not get irritated as easy. Depending on how severe your pain is, it may be necessary to use a spinal brace to get temporary back pain relief. This will give you the added support you need when doing daily things that can irritate the situation.
Most likely the types of exercises that a doctor would give would be ones that will focus on stretching out the muscles in your back to make them much more flexible. This will allow you to move more freely and will help your back to be able to better deal with certain movements. It may not prevent all painful situations but it will certainly help you to deal with daily tasks that normally irritate your back.
A back brace is a unique device that is made to help you limit the amount of motion you have with your spine. Often times these are used after surgery or certain types of procedures to give added support. This ensures that the patient will not do harm to the procedure that was done, so that the back will be allowed to heal without interruptions of new strains or injuries.
There are basically two types of back braces that are used today to give people back pain relief. The first being a rigid brace. These braces are made specifically to fit your back. They are made to form fit from molding plastic so that your range of motion is restricted. This helps to relieve the pain and swelling as well as speeding. These types of braces are also great to assist the body in healing much faster after surgery.
The other type of back brace is a corset brace. This type of brace is made with elastic braces that also limit the amount o motion a person will have with their spine, especially in the forward range of motion. This is particularly good for helping to set a persons spine after a spinal fusion surgery. These types of braces are also good to help people when their back may be under stress. This would include work situations such as lifting heavy objects.
People that work in jobs that require them to lift heavy objects daily, may be required to wear some sort of spinal or back brace to help ensure that they do not hurt themselves. It is also very important to practice proper body mechanics when you have to lift heavy objects. You need to be sure to bend at the knees and not at the waist when you are picking something up off the floor. If you consistently bend at the waist to pick things up off the floor you can cause your back severe damage over a period of time. You can easily strain your muscles which can cause constant flare ups.
If you've recently had a back procedure or back surgery done, then your doctor will give you a list of things you are not allowed to do with your back such as bending, lifting, stretching, pulling, twisting and pushing. In some instances you will need to wear a back brace for a certain period of time while you're going through the healing process and even then you may need it for months afterwards until your back is strong enough to do things without the brace. Keep in mind a back brace is there to help protect your back from further damage and to help heal it as quickly as possible.
If you are suffering with chronic back pain, then talk with your doctor about what options you have available to you. Your doctor may set you up with an appointment with a therapist to get you started on an exercise program and get you fitted for the proper back brace. You want to be sure that you do exactly what your doctor says in order for your back heel properly. Failure to follow your doctor's instructions could result in further damage done to the area or a longer healing process.
About the Author
Chris Moheno was a back pain sufferer himself until he found an effective way to treat it completely. A short daily routine of special exercises cured him permanently. Get more information regarding lower back pain.
Source: Health Articles on
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