
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) - In the Genes or In The Mind?

Posted by: Brian J Worley    Posted on: June 6, 2008

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The cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is both confusing as well as debilitating with sceptics still claiming that the illness is all in the mind! A recent report however, has stated that the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) illness could be in the genes.

Scientist say that they have found that patients with (ME) Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS as it is more widely known, shared certain genetic characteristics.

Based on a 1999 study of adults in the United States, CFS is thought to affect approximately 4 per 1,000 adults. For unknown reasons, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome occurs more often in women, and adults in their 40s and 50s.

Symptoms include extreme exhaustion; sleep disturbances, memory and concentration difficulties, sore throat and headaches and muscle and joint pains. In many extreme cases it can leave the sufferer bed ridden

The exact cause of CFS is still unknown, although there are several theories. Some people claim that, those pre-disposed to the condition, develop it when triggered by a bacterial illness, Others think that a viral infection, such as glandular fever, can trigger the condition.

Tiredness is normal after a viral infection, but this does not explain why symptoms continue and get worse Because the disease's symptoms are so similar to flue and vary between patients, doctors are only able to diagnose it after ruling out every other possible cause.

It is more likely that CFS is caused by a combination of physical and psychological factors, which also affect how severe the condition is and how long it lasts.

Although widely acknowledged as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). An official title for the illness has still not been confirmed, due to various schools of thought and the lack of evidence from numerous clinical, research and patient communities, regarding its defining symptoms and causes.

Many Doctors still cannot agree if it is a central nervous system, metabolic, (post-) infectious, immune system, or neuropsychiatric disorder, nor even if it is a single homogenous disorder (with a range of possible clinical presentations), or several distinct disorders having many clinical characteristics in common

However, researchers in the Europe claim they have now discovered 88 genetic differences between Cronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)sufferers. This had allowed them to divide patients into several types, according to the severity of thesymptoms.

This could mean that blood tests could soon be developed to help diagnose the Chronic Fatigue Syndromemore easily. An American study claimed that weekly injections of immune adjuvant, which regulates the way the immunesystem works could help reduce the symptoms for many suffers of chronic fatigue syndrome According to the World Health Organisation, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a neurological condition that affects the central nervous system within the brain, and had finally been recognised as a debilitating condition since 2002 and treatments are almost exclusively based on the psychological aspects of the illness.

In 2005 a study found that the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome were often exacerbated by the psychological ones. While some improvement may occur with medical care and additional therapies of pacing, cognitive behavioural therapy and graded exercise therapy. HOwever, other patient organisations surveys have also reported adverse effects

So are we any of the wiser. Have any of the arguments or research or serveys proven that the debilitating illness,Chronic fatigue Syndrom is in the Genes or in the mind? I rest my case.

About the Author

Author: Brian J Worley From initial diagnosis, it took Brian five years to regain a normal life style. However, he accepts that recovery may not be absolute, as there is always the possibility of something triggering the condition again in the future If you would like more information on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Go To

Source: Health Articles on

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