
Do Facial Wrinkle Treatments Work?

Posted by: Samantha Asher    Posted on: July 18, 2008

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You may have seen an infomercial on television or come across an ad on the internet that claims their product will completely diminish your wrinkles. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If a product really had the capability to get rid of deep wrinkles 100%, you would hear it all over the news and it would probably be on Oprah.

This is not to say that absolutely no wrinkle treatment will ever work. You just need to remember that there is no magic treatment. The best way to have great skin is by preventing. Protect your skin from the sun and take care of it both inside and out. Think about it, what if you had put on SPF 30 sunblock every 2 hours everyday of your life since the day you were born? You would probably look years younger and possibly have not a wrinkle in site!

Now I’m sure you haven’t put on that much sunblock. Chances are since you’re reading this article, you already have wrinkles and aging skin and you are looking for something to help get rid of them. You want to know, do facial wrinkle treatments really work? Some treatments work, some don’t. Some treatments do what they say, some don’t. You want to find the treatments that don’t promise the world and that deliver.

Next to daily SPF, the next best thing you can do for your wrinkles is moisturize. You should use a moisturizer with an SPF of 15 or higher in the morning and use a night cream in the evening. Another important way to keep your skin hydrated is by drinking enough water. You hear it time and again to drink enough water because it’s important and helps so many things.

In addition to washing and moisturizing your face, you can add an occasional peel. A peel removes the dead skins cells from your face and a layer of skin to reveal your most beautiful skin possible. It will give you a glow if you have a quality product. If a peel seems too expensive or harsh, you could use a facial scrub, but you won’t get the same effect. If anything, I would suggest a less frequent peel supplemented by scrubs. Also, don’t go crazy with peels because they are abrasive.

Finally, there are all the “Anti-Aging” products. You can find lotions, serums, toners, and just about anything that claims to diminish wrinkles. Some products work for some people and not others. You really need to do some of your own experimenting. If you have dry skin look for a nice moisturizing anti-aging lotion. Stay away from things you know you are allergic to and keep an eye on ingredients that don’t work before buying another product. Give every product at least a week or two, unless you are reacting badly to it, before you give it up and move on. It takes some time for most products to produce results.

About the Author

Are you looking for the perfect facial wrinkle treatment for you? Get product recommendations and find more information at

Source: Health Articles on

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