Himalayan Crystal Salt Is More Valuable Than Gold
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Himalayan Crystal Salt is considered royalty among all salts in the world. It offers many health benefits as well as the best flavor in salt. In ancient times this salt was considered more valuable than gold, and for good reason. Taking over 250 million years to create this salt has matured under extreme tectonic pressure, far away from exposure to impurities. The result is a Crystal Salt that is considered the Ultimate Mineral Supplement with 84 mineral elements found in the human body, 72 believed to be essential ingredients of a healthy diet. Add to that our body does not need to metabolize the crystal salt in order for its energy to enter directly into our cells. Crystal salt is one of the few minerals whose atomic structure is bound electrically, not molecularly. Holistic medicine calls Crystal Salt one of the most powerful enhancers of "Life Force". Himalayan Crystal Salt is the only antioxidant that works everywhere in the body.
When people usually speak of salt, most people think of the highly refined table salt known as sodium chloride. This salt which is prevalent in the world today has been the cause of many health problems. Table salt is not the ancient Himalayan Crystal Salt which is considered to be a healthy salt.
The benefits of Himalayan Crystal Salt are man and include the remineralization of the body with the over 80 minerals and trace elements essential to health. From a biochemical point of view the body benefits not only from these absorbed minerals and trace elements, but also from the frequencies or vibration patterns of the crystal salt. A few of the numerous benefits of using this salt include: promoting a healthy pH balance into alkalinity, water regulating, digestion problems, hay fever, asthma attacks, enhanced immune system, better concentration, increased alertness, work productivity, promotes sinus health, lung capacity and reduced susceptibility to colds and flu, relief from allergies, migraine and headaches. Imagine having all those benefits with no negative side effects. Himalayan Crystal Salt is Mother Nature at its best.
Europeans have been aware of the health benefits of salt for generations, and people suffering from chronic congestive problems go to clinics located in salt mines for treatment. Those endorsing the Health Benefits of "Himalayan Salt" are several international experts; cardiologists, neurologists, dietitians and researchers.
Himalayan Crystal Salt is one of the most profound re-discoveries of our time. Incorporate Himalayan Crystal Salt into your cooking or seasoning, or make a mineral infusion called sole (pronounced so-lay) with pure water. If we use the highest quality Salt, all other steps we take for greater health and well being are based on a solid foundation and can thus unfold their fullest benefits. With Himalayan Crystal Salt you can be sure you're always at the top of your game, professionally, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Find out why Crystal Salt is the most economical, mineral dense food that is also vital for good health. Visit our website at http://krystalsalt.info
About the Author
Lesley Pinkston runs a successful home based business helping people with their nutritional needs.
Source: Health Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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