
Home Remedies to Stop Snoring

Posted by: John Mathew    Posted on: June 29, 2008

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Snoring is a dysfunction that is caused in the mechanism of the human body. The muscles in your soft palate, throat and tongue relax when you are in deep sleep, closing the airway partially.

If the muscles in the throat relax enough, the air coming in and out of the lungs through this airway gets obstructed, and the resultant vibration of the air causes the snoring.

There are several reasons why you may snore. Your tongue may be falling into your throat which causes an obstruction of air and produces noise. Your jaw may be resting in the wrong position. Snoring can also be a result of swollen glands which cause the throat to close up when sleeping. Sometimes, glands are swollen due to sinusitis or allergies, but enlarged tonsils or deformities in the nasal passage may also be to blame. Sleeping on the back can cause minor snoring and it is easily remedied. However, if you experience severe snoring on a daily basis, then it is not affected by the position in which you sleep.

If you want to get rid of snoring, it is necessary that you should maintain a normal weight. If you are overweight, then work towards eliminating the extra fats stored on your body. Follow a strict regime consisting of proper balanced diet and regular exercise.

One of the home remedies for snoring is to sleep on the sides instead of on the back. Sleeping on the sides reduces snoring. There are many products available in the market to help assist you in sleeping on your sides and to prevent sleeping on the back. Marjoram oil can be used as a remedy. Just open the bottle of Marjoram oil in your bedroom. Once the fragrance spreads in the room, the person who is snoring would stop it. This is one of the effective home remedies for snoring.

Other home remedies can include improved air flow in the room that you sleep in, with such products as air ionizers, etc. All in all, it is important to look at all sources of solutions for those who have problems with snoring. Home remedies for snoring, such as those mentioned above, coupled with perhaps mediation practices for relaxing, trying to lead a stress-free life, and looking after your body the right way, show that home remedies for snoring can make major contributions towards a snore-free night's sleep, leading to more restfulness and more alertness during the day. These home remedies for snoring are readily available, easily applicable, and are just as helpful as traditional medicine.

Drinking warm beverages like honey and warm water helps coat the wall of the trachea. Drinking a cup of hot milk with a pinch of turmeric and pepper is also a good option. Drinking green tea and organic tulsi tea is also a good idea. Teas which contains chamomile is usually sleep inducive and may keep the trachea open.

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