
Home Remedy For Acid Reflux Simply The Best

Posted by: Wangeci Kinyanjui    Posted on: June 24, 2008

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After suffering from several episodes of burning sensations as an effect of body acid, I think you will agree with me that home remedy for acid reflux is a necessity.The disease is either brought about by a malfunctioning of the valve that covers the top of the esophagus or a defective digestive system. When the valve allows stomach content to pass and enter the throat area, acid too passes and burns the tender tissues and thus makes you have a painful burning feeling.

A defective digestive system does not allow ingested food to undergo proper digestion. As a result of this action, food metabolism reduces and distribution of food appears to be a long process.The stomach gets too full and due to stomach pressure,the stomach content which includes body acid refluxes find its way back to the throat.

Home remedy acid reflux takes this opportunity to offer relief to patients suffering from the health problem. Apple cider vinegar is one remedy that can be used to treat this condition. Being a very good anti oxidant, apple cider vinegar neutralizes body acid and makes it less corrosive. For this reason, no harm is caused by the acid as it goes through the esophagus. The remedy can be taken in form of pills or in liquid form which is mostly preferred due to its ability to get absorbed easily.

Regular body exercises is also recommended to help you reduce excess body fat which may contribute to the increase of unwanted toxins in the body. These toxins include stomach acid which means,if left to accumulate,it can be forced to flow back to the throat through the esophagus. When the acid flows along this path, it burns the lining causing a burning sensation.Exercises could be in the form of jogging, yoga, aerobics and so on.With body exercises, you are sure of no side effects coming along with the remedy. So whenever you require some motivation to work out, think of acid reflux discomfort.

Good eating habits also qualify in the class of home remedy for acid reflux.It includes eating a balanced diet which comprise of fruits and vegetables.These varieties help in food digestion which also increases metabolism rate. When digested food is absorbed and dispersed quickly,the stomach is left empty and this reduces pressure that prevents the contents from being forced to flow up into the throat area through the esophagus.As this condition is stopped from taking place, stomach acid seen to be the cause of the burning pain is also restricted from moving out of the stomach and reflux the throat.

Vegetables are also known to increase the PH levels in the body. An increase of alkaline in the body means that acid is neutralized and hence it cannot harm any tissues that may come into contact with the acid.As you contemplate on which option to choose for fast relieve of pain caused by this condition,think of home remedy for acid reflux and surely you will have gotten yourself lasting peace.

About the Author

Wangeci Kinyanjui has been researching and reporting on Health Matters for years.For more information on home remedy for acid reflux visit her site at HOME REMEDY FOR ACID REFLUX

Source: Health Articles on

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