Home Remedy for Gallstones- A Cure for Gallstones so You Can Keep Your Gallbladd...
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Before gallbladder surgery even crosses your mind, you should try a simple home remedy for gallstones that works for almost all types of gallstones. Unfortunately, statistics show that most people opt for the organ removal operation, gallbladder surgery. This is probably because their doctor recommended the surgery.
But before you remove your gallbladder, have you considered what history has taught us about various surgery practices.
Gallbladder Surgery- Is it worth it?
Three thousand years ago, Egyptians performed some of the first surgical operations that made a butcher shop look like a PG film.
One hundred years ago, surgeons would drill holes in a person's skull hoping to cure deafness.
And today, many natural health experts believe that gallbladder surgery will be the next surgery to be regretfully performed in medical hospitals.
Gallbladder surgery is also called a cholecystectomy. Cholecystectomy is a procedure to surgically remove the gallbladder. Though, many doctors believe that this organ-removal surgery is the only treatment for gallstones. They are wrong to the patient's demise.
Unfortunately, most doctors forget to mention that the surgery will cause you years of discomfort with diarrhea and nausea. Though, your body could eventually adjust. Your chances of getting bowel cancer are drastically increased with the continuous dripping bile into the digestive tract. And you will also be a perfect candidate to suffer from high blood cholesterol the rest of your life.
Maybe God wanted you to have your gallbladder! Here are some simple tips for a home remedy for gallstones.
A Natural Gallstone Treatment
To say the least, your body is pretty miraculous. Some of the leading researchers and scientists are awed by the body and its ability to heal itself. With all that said, many researchers now believe that the body has an internal intelligence to heal itself completely if given the proper tools!
And Natural Health has shown that various nutrition tips, lifestyle tips, vitamin supplements can actually aid in the process of your body healing itself naturally. In fact, this home remedy for gallstones is as simple as becoming a healthy person and allowing you body to work at optimal levels! Your body will naturally flush gallstones.
Here are 5 tips your doctor won't mention!
1. A Flush! The first step might be the most difficult because it takes 1-2 days! You should start your treatment with a gallbladder, liver and colon flush. The flush will allow impurities, toxins, pollutants, cholesterol and 'bad' fats to pass from your body. The all-natural cleanse will rejuvenate your body to pass most of its impurities and should be done annually for gallstone prevention. Check out our Gallstones Remedy Report for the simplest and most effective flush.
2. Optimal Health- Research shows that drinking enough water is probably the healthiest thing you can do for your body. Your body is 75% water and dropping a couple percent can equate to gallstones. A good rule of thumb we tell our customers is to drink half their body weight in ounces of water. If you weigh 180 lbs. then you should drink 90 ounces of water or 11 cups of water.
3. Cholesterol- Prevention is the best medicine. With that said, you should avoid high fat and cholesterol foods because they cause cholesterol-based gallstones. We recommend eliminating it for one-month and gradually reintroducing them to your diet.
4. Fruits and Veggies- High water-soluble fiber foods are probably one of the best gallstone prevention tips. Fruits and vegetables have high water-soluble fiber content which will flush cholesterol which could cause stones. Go with about 7-8 servings of fruits and veggies per day.
5 Vitamins- One of the best vitamins you can be supplementing is vitamin C. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) has been known to be effective to convert cholesterol to bile acids. With less cholesterol and more acids in your body, you can decrease the risk of gallstones. It will also boost your immune system.
Pass Your Gallstones in 24 Hours... Guaranteed
24 hours from now you can be gallstone-free and keeping your gallbladder! And you can also prevent them from ever returning with some simple tips from our Gallstones Remedy Report. To learn about the only 100% guaranteed, step by step gallstone remedy flush, please visit our Home Remedy for Gallstones website. We have helped thousands of sufferers and we would love to help you at the comfort of your home.
For a remedy report sent to your computer in seconds, please check us out today!
Guaranteed! Researched! Proven! With 22 years of natural health expertise, Joe Barton and Barton Publishing offer the only guaranteed home remedy for gallstones. To flush gallstones in less than 24 hours,
About the Author
Joe Barton is the founder of Barton Publishing Inc., a leading natural health company specializing in publishing cutting edge reports that show people how to cure and treat themselves using safe, natural, and proven remedies. Joe has helped thousands of people enjoy healthier lives with natural remedies for gallstones. To learn about a home remedy for gallstones, please visit us now! http://www.getridofgallstones.com/gall
Source: Health Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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