Home Remedy for Gout- What Foods To Avoid
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The High Price of Migraines
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Most of us who have gout would love to find a home remedy. Taking a serious look at what foods to avoid if you have gout is key. In case you haven’t heard this before, purines are bad news!
Purines contribute to excess uric acid which can cause gout. Sharp crystals form between the joints and cause lots of pain and inflammation.
Here is a list of purine rich foods that you want to avoid: • Beans • Peas • Soy Products • Liver, brain and kidney • Anchovies • Mackerel • Sweetbread • Mincemeat • Shrimp • Scallops • Crab • Mussels • Alcohol, especially beer
Another good home remedy for your gout is to drink filtered water, at least 2-3 quarts daily. This helps flush out the uric acids in your body. If you exercise a lot or have an active job you should drink more.
Too much weight increases your problems if you have gout, and will also put more pressure on your joints. In addition to the above list, other foods you should avoid are foods high in fat and sugar. You should also avoid low-carb diets as they tend to be high in fat and protein. It’s much smarter to try and lose gradually as rapid weight loss diets increase uric acid levels in your blood. The best way to diet is by the good old fashioned rules of eating healthy foods like lots of fruits and vegetables, lean meats and low-fat dairy products.
Being strict with your diet and knowing what foods to avoid is one of the best home remedies that you can practice to help your gout.
About the Author
Expert author Diane Declet does extensive research in area of natural remedies and cures. Find the latest information about natural cures for arthritis and gout here: http://beatarthritis.great-home-remedies.com
Source: Health Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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