Home Remedy For Snoring And Other Popular Solutions.
Posted by: William Wilson Posted on: July 6, 2008
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For reducing snoring there are a number of simple suggestions or home remedy for snoring. So lets start by taking a look at some of the popular home remedies for snoring.
The first home remedy for snoring is pretty simple you just need to keep your head at a higher level compared to the rest of your body. You can either do this with a pillow or by adjusting the bed. While you are sleeping the throat muscle completely block the air passage when they relax, but by taking the above steps this will most likely not happen. Sleep on your side, not on your back, which causes your tongue and soft palate to fall back, narrowing the airway.
There are some more things you will need to change if you want to stop snoring, these include losing weight, stopping smoking and drinking completely (they are anyway bad) and exercising more. Well drinking alcohol before sleeping is no no, you shouldn't do it ever because alcohol relaxes your throat muscles which lead to further blocking of air passages and lead to snoring. Finally, you should avoid tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and antihistamines.
Besides all the home remedy for snoring there are several other options available to stop snoring some of them include throat sprays, anti - snoring pills and nasal strips.
Lets look at each of them one by one. Anti Snoring pills are made of natural plant enzymes and hebs that help stop the tissues of nose and throat from swelling which smoothens the airflow and helps stop snoring. Some popular brands are: Dr. Harris' Original Snore Formula, Sinus Buster, SnorEase, Snore Rx and Ysnore.
Secondly lets look at throat spray these things coat the soft tissues of the throat what this does is allows the air to flow more free which reduces the irritating noisy and helps stop snoring. Some well known brands are Ayr Snore Relieving Throat Spray, D-Snore, Good Night Stop Snore, Helps Stop Snoring, and Silence.
Third comes Nasal Strip. The interesting thing about nasal strip is it is a freely available device which does not require any prescription. Nasal Strip also does not use any form of medicines. Its task is pretty simple to keep the nose open and help you breathe easily. The most popular and trusted brand in the nation when it comes to nasal strip is "Breathe Right." But thats not fair I only gave you one option, you as a consumer deserve more... Alright you can head over to any of the near by chemist or grocery, they sell their own versions of nasal strips.
To get 24 other powerful stop snoring techniques visit the site at home remedy for snoring
For review of a very effective stop snoring program check out The Stop Snoring Exercise Program Now!
About the Author
William Wilson writes regularly about health related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.
Source: Health Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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