
Home Remedy For Snoring

Posted by: David Jones    Posted on: July 9, 2008

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If you are inclined to stop snoring then there are many different home remedy for snoring which you can look at. So lets start by taking a look at some of the popular home remedies for snoring.

The first home remedy for snoring is pretty simple you just need to keep your head at a higher level compared to the rest of your body. You can either do this with a pillow or by adjusting the bed. Well what it will do is reduce the probability of the throat muscle completely blocking the air passages when they relax in sleep. Sleeping on your side rather than your back is preferable because it causes your tongue and soft palate to fall back, narrowing the airway.

Well if you are really interested in stopping snoring then you will have to change your lifestyle a little. These changes include quicking smoking and drinking, losing weight and exercising more. Well I would advise you to stop drinking alcohol totally, but I know thats difficult so atleast dont drink before sleeping. Because what happens is alcohol relaxes your throat muscles, so they block your air passages even more. Apart from that you should also try and avoid antihistamines, sleeping pills and tranquilizers

Well apart from these home remedies for snoring there are also other alternatives available to help you stop snoring like anti-snoring pills, nasal strips and throat sprays.

To begin with Anti- Snoring pills help stop snoring, they open and smooth the airflow. The herbs and natural plant enzymes that are present in these anti- snoring pills prevent the throat from swelling. Some of the names that comes to mind when thinking about anti snoring pills are Snore Rx, Snorease, Dr. Harris' Original Snore Formula, Ysnore and Sinus Buster

Secondly lets look at throat spray these things coat the soft tissues of the throat what this does is allows the air to flow more free which reduces the irritating noisy and helps stop snoring. Here are some well known brands when it comes to throat sprays: Silence, Good Night Stop Snore, Helps Stop Snoring, Ayr Snore Relieving Throat Spray and D-Snore

Third comes Nasal Strip. The interesting thing about nasal strip is it is a freely available device which does not require any prescription. Nasal Strip also does not use any form of medicines. Its task is pretty simple to keep the nose open and help you breathe easily. A very famous brand of nasal strip is “Breathe Right.” But thats not fair I only gave you one option, you as a consumer deserve more... Alright you can head over to any of the near by chemist or grocery, they sell their own versions of nasal strips.

To get 24 other powerful stop snoring techniques visit the site at home remedy for snoring

For review of a very effective stop snoring program check out The Stop Snoring Exercise Program Now!

About the Author

David Jones writes regularly about health related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.

Source: Health Articles on

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