
Lemonade Cleanse - A natural way to combat illness

Posted by: Judith Maynard    Posted on: July 1, 2008

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Several people have remarked about the many benefits of a lemonade cleanse. For example, this lady, an aged socialite with a hectic schedule had remarks to say. "Initially, I was opting for the lemonade cleanse because my doctor had told me to keep my digestive system in perfect conditions. However, then he outlined the procedures which I found a little trying and difficult. However, he managed to convince me to go in for it, no matter what the difficulties that lay ahead of me. Soon the fasting, nausea, avoiding all foods and eating only fruits began. Salt flushes, colon cleanings and detoxification were things I began imagining in my dreams and now, ten days later, my life has changed completely. Though I cannot feel that many noticeable changes in the digestion, I feel cleaner and better. Even though I cannot see what it is, I feel the positivenes of the cleanse. My personality has changed and these days, stress and depression are things of the past. Mental health is really important for old people and this cleaning has aided me getting just that."

Usually a successful lemon cleanse is coupled with a digestive program also. This is not an extensive colon cleansing program, but if you add certain substances to the drinks that you have, they serve in cleaning the colon, an important part of the digestive tract and responsible for many health problems if not kept clean and free from toxins. You can have supplements like psyllium husks and even bentontite because these help to loosen the tract and help in getting the waste out. Actually, bentonite is the only product that unclogs the colon like no other product can. It attaches itself to the debris and the lemon juice which is drunk serves to move this. Even so, it works best on an empty colon and the fasting process helps. To further help with the elimination, a herbal or organic laxative can also be taken just before going off to sleep as the bowels movements are much faster due to their medicinal properties. Triphala is one such powder which assists in easy removal of waste from the body. This also prevents further congestion to take place.

Another helpful drink which might be of excellent help in cleansing your body along with the lemon cleanse is drinking a salt water flush also known as an enema. This like other methods is equally easy to do. You have to add two teaspoons of sea salt or common table salt to about one liter of warm water. Shake the water and drink the entire bottle. Within an hour, it will work and your tracts will be cleaned from congestion by making you eject fecal matter several times. All the plaque and parasites which had been living inside your intestines will be effectively flushed out and even the colon will be massaged. One thing to note is that you have to make use of uniodized salt because the iodized variety does not have that beneficial an effect.

About the Author

Learn about the best Colon Detoxification products, which is a popular website that provides tips and advice on the best Colon Cleansing Recipes.

Source: Health Articles on

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