Let's Find The Answer To The Question - Can A Single Asbestos Fiber Cause Cancer...
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Cancer is one of the most life threatening diseases. It is caused by substances known as carcinogens. It is known to everyone that cancer is caused in our body with the help of some external toxic substances. Asbestos is such a carcinogen that can cause lung cancer. Now the question that arises is Can A Single Asbestos Fiber Cause Cancer? It depends on circumstances and the individual concerned. Let's look into the details and find a more complete answer.
Can A Single Asbestos Fiber Cause Cancer? It varies from person to person. One who is more susceptible to asbestos poison develops mesothelioma. That is why workers who are exposed to asbestos are found to be attacked by lung cancer. It is not observed anywhere that all of the workers suffer from asbestos cancer, is it? You may be wondering why isn't everyone a victim of asbestos cancer though all of them are exposed to asbestos on a regular basis. It is because of the individual immune system. The susceptibility to this disease varies among different person. Some people are more prone to it while some other can resist. Coming back to the question of can a single asbestos fiber cause cancer? the answer may be Yes. You can't say. It entirely depends on the person's internal body environment. The saddest part of it is that you can't judge it beforehand whether he or she can fight or not with this evil.
Can A Single Asbestos Fiber Cause Cancer? It highly depends on the asbestos type. Asbestos are the fiber matter that remain suspended in air. These suspended particles are then getting inside along with the inhaled air that settles inside the lung. Asbestos is resistant to heat and chemical. So it stays inside our body for long, unaffected by the internal body temperature. It then pierces the membrane lining the internal organ and causes inflammation. This inflammation results in asbestos cancer. If the fiber is rich in texture then a single dose is sufficient to attack the person with asbestos cancer, provided the person's immune system is not efficient in combating the asbestos fiber. Can A Single Asbestos Fiber Cause Cancer? Yes a single asbestos fiber is sufficient for the cause of your asbestos cancer, if you are a frequent smoker. Though there is no any direct link between smoking and asbestos cancer but survey shows that people who smoke along with exposure to asbestos are more likely to fall a prey to asbestos cancer. Asbestos cancer symptoms are breath shortening, blood in sputum, a persistent cough and chest pain etc. However the asbestos cancer symptoms solution is its treatment. Radio therapy along with chemotherapy is one of its treatments.
About the Author
Bob Henderson is a surveyor of medically accepted hazards and has in-depth knowledge on asbestos and how it can cause lung cancer. His articles promise reliability that has come from years of experience in evaluation health hazards. Visit http://www.asbestoscancerexplained.com Asbestos Cancer to read more.
Source: Health Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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