Let Us Join Hands In Fighting Against Bacteria Infection
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Bacteria are usually known for their many roles in life one of them being their ability to infect other organisms with numerous harmful infections.A bacteria infection is usually characterized by localized pain meaning, pain is mostly experienced in the wound area only and not on any other part of the body. Below are some of these infections that are brought about by bacteria.
One of the most common bacteria infections is the ear infection. The condition is commonly noticed when pain is experienced from one ear while the other ear does not experience the same. The infection is further characterized by some pus being released from the ear that is painful. An early proper consultancy from a doctor would be recommended in order for you to be given the right kind of antibiotics to treat the infection before much damage has been done to the ear.
Another bacteria infection is the tetanus infection.This type of infection is mostly acquired when you get cut or pricked by a rusty object.The bacteria around the object gets to enter the wound through the open skin caused by the object and tend to colonize the area. The patient tends to experience some pain and swelling around the infected area and if the wound is not attended to in proper time, you may be required to cut off the body part. A simple tetanus injection from the hospital would be enough to treat this problem.
Tuberculosis is another bacteria infection believed to be one of the deadliest infections that can be present in human beings.The infection is caused by pathogenic types of bacteria. The bacteria are said to be transmitted through air and many infections take place in congested places like prisons and slam areas. Many HIV positive patients are also said to be likely victims of this infection. The patient will be seen to be coughing frequently and when the infection reaches a more advanced phase, blood droplets will tend to start accompanying these horrible coughs. Like the other bacteria infections, tuberculosis is treatable and with proper medication, the infection could be done away completely without living behind any traces of it in the patient.
Infectious diarrhea is also a bacteria infection that is proving to be a common problem to many people. The condition is mainly caused by bacteria such as Salmonella, E. Coli and the Shingella type of bacteria. These bacteria usually stick to the food staff that we ingest and pass through to the digestive system together with it. Once they reach inside the intestines,the bacteria become active and then start to cause improper functioning of the system. Ingested food is then not properly digested and a possible diarrhea condition occurs.
Currently, the Campylobacter jejuni or commonly known as the C. jejuni, is the most common type of bacteria in America that causes the infectious diarrhea. This is due to the fact that, a lot of antibiotics are being used in poultry and cattle feed something that has led to the C. jejuni bacteria to be resistant to drugs hence being able to cause chronic diarrhea conditions once taken in.Consumption of clean or properly cooked food could be used to avoid all these problems.
If you have not yet had any episode with bacteria infection, try as much as possible not to get one now.
About the Author
Wangeci Kinyanjui is an expert on research and reporting on Health Matters for years.To get more information on bacteria infection visit her site at BACTERIA INFECTION
Source: Health Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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