Nutritional Supplements: Do You Really Need Them?
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Are Antioxidants Your Antidote to Aging?
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Green Tea Supplement: Weight Loss Aid
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Gallstones can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a golf ball and may be smooth and round or irregular with a number of edges. You can have just one stone or hundreds of them. Gallstones are composed mainly of undissolved cholesterol, although they can also have other components, such as calcium and bilirubin, the residue from the breakdown of red blood cells.
Getting Rid of Cold Sores This Quick and Easy Way
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Gall Stones - The Risks of Surgery
Risks of Surgery to Remove Gall Stones Approximately 750,000 Americans will have their gall bladders removed this year. Since there is such a high proportion of the population that is at risk for gall stones (about 1 in 12), it is very important to protect yourself from this harmful, painful and even deadly condition.
People tend to look upon nutritional supplements differently according to their ages. Usually, young people never think of taking supplements to satisfy their nutritional needs. As we age, we tend to become more health conscious and want to prolong our health as we get older. One way that we can help ourselves feel better as well as function more efficiently is to take nutritional supplements.
You are not going to find a supplement which can provide you with the fountain of youth, but there are supplements that you can take which will make a big difference in the way you look and feel. Nutritional supplements have been used for many, many years to alleviate the symptoms of getting older as well as help the body fight off illness and disease.So the question remains, should someone who is otherwise young and healthy consider taking a nutritional supplement? Well to answer that question consider this, a food is only as good as the nutrients in the soil. Plants draw their nutrients from the soil they are rooted in, so if the nutrients in the soil are poor, so will the nutrients be poor in the fruit or vegetable that you are eating. Soil nutrient levels are the reason that fertilizers are being used more and more every few years. The lower the nutrient level in the soil, the more fertilizer it will take to grow produce of any size.
Another thing you will need to consider is the freshness of the produce that we purchase. Nutrients in foods made over time after it has reached maturity and has been harvested. Then there is also the next step in the chain which is the preparation of the food. To get the most out of the food you eat, they should be eaten in a properly prepared manner, or even eaten raw. Of course we are just talking about plant matter here, not meat. Many times as vegetables are boiled, the nutrients are leaked out into the water and lost down the drain. This does not do your body any good at all. You are advised to steam your vegetables instead of boiling them when possible.
That is not to say that there are not some individuals who proclaim that taking nutritional supplements are a waste of money. Many people state the fact that a lot of supplements taken are in fact just cycled through the body and sent out with the body's waste. However it is a fact that there is a recent upswing in the amount of recommendations given by health professionals for their patients to take a nutritional supplement. If you are at all concerned with your current health, speak to your physician and ask if taking supplements would be of benefit to you.
About the Author
Dave Tupniak
For more information on supplements please visit
Source: Health Articles on
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