
Nutritional Supplements for Your Calcium Needs

Posted by: Dave Tupniak    Posted on: July 18, 2008

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Throughout the majority of your life, the nutrient calcium will prove time and time again to be of great importance. Without a doubt, the most important times will be during childhood, pregnancy and while breast feeding. Giving your body the correct balance of calcium is very important. In children, calcium aids in the growth of both teeth and bones, while preventing blood clots. The main benefit for adults is that it helps to prevent and lessen osteoporosis.

If you are thinking of taking a calcium supplement then you should know that the proper time to take them is either before you have a meal or after you eat. It is preferable that calcium be taken with a large quantity of water. Calcium supplements are also available in the chewable for. If you decide to use the chewable for calcium that you need to make sure that you swallow the entire dissolved tablet, being certain that you chew them well before swallowing.

There is one time it out with taking calcium supplements, and that is you should not combine it with any other medications. Be certain to leave ample time before or after taking the calcium supplement if you intend to take other medications. Calcium has a tendency not to play well with other medications so it is best to play it safe and talk to your doctor or pharmacist before you take extra calcium in supplement form.

Calcium does a great job in strengthening both teeth and bone as well as is good for the skin. However before you begin a regiment of calcium you need to make sure that you are healthy enough to take the supplement. If you have a history of kidney stones, lung disease, recurrent diarrhea or certain types of stomach problems you should consult with a physician before you begin taking calcium as a supplement.

Usually any healthy adult can take calcium supplements with the armed with their body at all. However using calcium in high doses can cause various problems. Large doses of calcium may cause you to have a loss of appetite, experience bouts of nausea accompanied with vomiting and constipation. If you're on calcium supplements that you experience any of these problems you should contact your physician immediately.

If you have been diagnosed with having osteoporosis or brittle bone syndrome, calcium may be exactly what your body needs to repair the damage that has been done. You should let your physician know of any family histories which could possibly cause problems in conjunction with the calcium. Although calcium nutritional supplements side effects seem to be rare, they do happen and you should be aware of the risks and take measures to protect yourself by being informed, as well as keeping your doctor informed of your current health situation.

About the Author

Dave Tupniak is a contributing writer at
For more information on Supplements, visit Supplement Review Online

Source: Health Articles on

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