
Simple Home Remedies to Treat Gout Naturally - Gout Remedies

Posted by: PARMOD BANSAL    Posted on: July 15, 2008

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Millions of people search for gout remedies each day hoping to find a way to get rid of the most painful type of arthritis. And most people who succeed in treating gout naturally are able to do so with simple home remedies that involve lifestyle changes. Anybody who has ever been diagnosed with gout knows that it can be extremely painful. Most people resort to some kind of painkiller which treats the pain but does NOT treat the uric crystals that cause gout. And people who use painkillers tend to damage the joint completely and allow gout to ruin their kidneys and lives. But before you run to the doctor and get some painkillers, you might want to try some simple gout remedies that flush uric acid (the cause of gout) and drastically reduce gout attacks. Why You Lifestyle is Important Think about a time in your life when you were the healthiest. I can venture to guess that you didn't have gout during that period. And as you get older you might think that gout is a natural process of getting older. You are wrong! But the good news is that you can naturally treat gout with some simple do's and don'ts. Currently you body is processing too many purines which turn into uric acid. If the blood stream contains too much uric acid, it will form into uric crystals which reside between joints (in most cases the big toe). If gout is not treated by flushing the uric acid, kidney damage will result. Fortunately, gout is a warning sign to tell you that you need to watch what you eat. Your diet could be one thing that could help or hurt your gout symptoms. 5 Simple Gout Remedies 1. Flush your body! Most people do not know that they are dehydrated. It is said that 80% of Americans are dehydrated. And research shows that most gout sufferers are in that category. You should be drinking at least 12 tall glasses of water a day if you suffer from this disease. Water flushes the body of uric acid, cholesterol, toxins, plaque, chemicals and many impurities. 2. Fiber! You should also eat fiber which causes your body to flush and detoxify itself. Eat at least 7-8 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Fruits and veggies are high in water soluble fiber which will also flush your attacks away. 3. Purines! As stated earlier, purines are a cause of gout. You should moderate your intake of purines immediately. If the body does not have purines to convert to uric acid, you will have fewer and fewer attacks. Here is a list of the high purine foods: red meat products, gravies, shellfish, fish, and dried beans. For a complete food guide, please check out our Gout Remedy Report. 4. Vitamins! Studies have all indicated that sufferers usually have a vitamin deficiency. Vitamins A, B5 and E are critical to your diet. These 3 vitamins have been shown to block the formation and advancement of gout symptoms. 5. Move! Though it might hurt at first you should try to exercise between attacks. Exercise has hundreds of benefits but it also flushes impurities out of your body and keeps your body running efficient. Start with a short 10 minute walk and increase each week. Cure Gout Naturally in 2 Hours These 5 health secrets are just the tip of our pyramid of research. We have spent thousands of hours on researching gout and natural treatments that work. If you are serious about curing gout permanently, please visit our website. We offer the only step by step remedy that is 100% guaranteed for 6 months. Join our thousands of satisfied customers and be gout free by tonight!

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