
Simple Steps To Preventing Baldness Fast

Posted by: Mark Antonio Willis    Posted on: June 6, 2008

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If you got a problem with hair loss, let me say that you must read this article. I've outlined some very easy steps you can take to regrow your hair and keep that precious crown of gold on your head.

Now first a lot of misconceptions need to be cleared up concerning why people lose hair to begin with. Often times you hear folks say, "well I'm going bald because it runs in the family". Heredity only plays a small role.

What many do not know is that factors such as health conditions, low blood circulation, and even lack of nutrients in the body leads to hair loss.

Call me crazy but I've literally watched many of my friends gradually lose hair and regrow it back just by applying a few steps that they weren't using before.

Start by massaging your scalp daily. Doing this only takes around 15 minutes a day, and it will provide your follicles with a great supply of blood. The more blood circulating in the scalp, the better your situation for preventing baldness fast.

Now for us guys we often go bald due to the release of the enzyme dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It comes about by testosterone and while not harmful to the body, it leads to hair loss.

Knowing this you must get complete control over this enzyme. You could do nothing else and only fight DHT and you would still be well off as far as getting and keeping your hair is concerned.

Try taking saw palmetto as an herbal remedy to control it. Studies readily show that 1,500 mg a day will block DHT from binding to your follicle roots and killing them in the long run.

Your hair grows super slow. On average it only grows about a centimeter a month. While there are no drugs or ways to speed up growth, saw palmetto along with magnesium, zinc, and biotin will keep it growing steadily.

Don't be the next sucker to fall for a useless hair loss product. Start taking measures to before you lose your hair completely.

About the Author

Mark Willis is a certified Dermatologist who has helped many through his informational blog at

Source: Health Articles on

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