
Simple Tips For Losing Weight or Maintaining It

Posted by: Paul Dunphy    Posted on: June 27, 2008

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If you are no longer dealing with the metabolism of an active six year old, you've no doubt noticed that the weight seems to be packing on as you age. With all of the magical exercise machines or extreme diets with experimental roots, it seems getting in shape can be dangerous if you do not watch your step. Following you'll find some simple tips that will show very successful results and not require you to buy that new Bowflex for 24 payments of $100!!

Exercise at least 3 times a week for no less than 40 minutes. If you are able to walk every evening, do so. Exercising can help keep your metabolism up which would counter-act the effects of a slowed metabolism thanks to your eating less. Exercising is a simple preferred choice by many .

What's the best way to loss weight? Dieting is a way to lose weight without damaging your body. Being overweight can cause numerous illnesses; high blood pressure issues, stroke, and diabetes are on the top of the list.

Dieting is very emotional and depends on motivation for success. If you're too strict, you will lose motivation. The diet, in this extreme, will just last for a few hours or days before caving then, right after having a full meal, the overeating rears its ugly bulging self again. But a fat stomach can be transformed into its prior flat and toned look if you start doing things the right way.

Exercise is important, but it isn't the only or the most important component to weight loss. Instead think about exercise as a crucial activity that strengthens and tones your heart, muscles, and body in order for it to be stronger and more capable for living. Exercises need not be unduly harsh and severe, but regular workout sessions will ensure desired results with in a month or two. Exercising is by far the best way to stay thin - it makes me feel sick when I hear about these people who think that eating less or watching their calorie intake is the ultimate solution. Obviously eating within reason should be looked into, but counting every celery stalk that one has eaten is extreme.

Dieters will not only lose weight at a moderate pace, but will be afforded the support and knowledge to keep the weight off. Dietary fat also provides transportation of Vitamins A, D, E and K and helps in the digestive process-- the bottom line is that it is important to consume foods that contain healthy fat! Yes there is such a thing!! The key is to choose the right kind of fat to consume.

Walking and swimming are good choices. Obviously before undertaking any change in lifestyle from a sedentary, couch potato existance, you should consult your doctor about which activities are best for you. Build muscle strength and flexibility. More fast, intense workouts seem to do better after you have gotten into the workout rhythm once again

Sticking to a healthy diet and regular exercise is a lifetime commitment and you should not underestimate the ongoing support that you may need. Local support groups may be helpful, and your doctor or practice nurse will be able to help you find one. Stick to your plan- The best way to lose weight is to stick to whatever you are doing. One of the main reasons why many people never lose weight is simply due to the fact that they are not able to stick to a specific plan and give up too early. Sticking to a diet is hard. Temptations are everywhere you turn.

About the Author

To help kick start your education and to learn more about the best way to lose weight, and improving your lifestyle visit

Source: Health Articles on

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