Sunglasses and the real reason we should wear them.
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Although the majority of the nations people wear sunglasses for fashion reasons, sunglasses were invented to serve as protection for the eyes against UV Rays produced by natural sunlight.
There are three different types of Ultra Violet Radiation. The first is the UVC rays. These rays are mostly absorbed by the upper atmosphere and show us no reason to be concerned with them. Next are the UVA rays. The human eye directly absorbs the UVA rays, however, there seems to be little or no evidence that these rays cause any type of eye disorders. The last of the ultra Violet Rays is the UVB rays and they are the most dangerous rays that cause damage to the eyes. Studies conducted by the Sunglass Association show that people who wear sunglasses on a regular basis, were less likely to have cataracts later on in life. When choosing a pair of sunglasses, make sure that they indicate on them that they protect from ultra violet rays. Sunglasses can provide 100% of the Ultra Violet protection that a person needs. If there is any question about the level of protection that your sunglasses offer, take them to your optometrist and they can put them on a machine that will tell how much Ultra violet rays can be absorbed from your sunglasses.
Sunglasses come in non-prescription and prescription sunglasses. They both benefit the eye by protecting them from the sun. The tint on a pair of sunglasses is irrelevant to the protection that it offers.
Children as well as adults should wear sunglasses. The ultra violet damage occurs over time, therefore, a person needs to protect the eyes at an early age. Also children's eyes are more sensitive that that of an adult. The bottom line is that while wearing sunglasses is a fashion statement, they have a specific function-to protect your eyes from the sunlight.
About the Author
Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more discount sunglasses, contact lenses, LASIK information and discount prescription eyeglasses information that you can research in your pajamas in your home.
Source: Health Articles on
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