
The Basics and Benefits of Waiora Zeolite

Posted by: Troy Shanks    Posted on: July 18, 2008

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Zeolite is a new health supplement offered by Waiora that has amazing properties that allow it to remove chemicals from the body. This natural cellular defense product is manufactured in a way to remove the impurities and activate the boxes, also known as cages, so they have phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. These properties allow the zeolite to exchange with toxins but it is also good for you. It is amazing how efficient this supplement is and only 100 drops have the equivalent of eight square miles. You will not find anything better than zeolite on the market because nothing is as pure or works as well as this does.

The story behind zeolite is quite interesting. It has actually been used for thousands of years, but Harvey Kaufman studied the mineral and determined how to make it into an oral liquid. He spent 14 years studying zeolite and found how to develop liquid zeolite and apply it. He uses the same grade zeolite that NASA uses and it is found in mines in Texas and Montana. These mines are known for their pure zeolite and Kaufman then liquefies, purifies, and activates the zeolite through an acid solution. The zeolite is submerged in the acid solution for several hours at temperatures higher than 212 Fahrenheit. Kaufman sold his invention to Rik Deitsch, a biochemist, who now sells it to a multi level marketing company that brands it as Waiora and sells the supplement. Since liquid zeolite is a natural cellular defense, it will be developed into new supplements in the near future.

There are many reasons why zeolite is so amazing. Some of them include the following:


One of the best things about zeolite is that it is non-toxic. Once ingested, zeolites are eliminated from your body safely and completely within five to seven hours. This supplement is completely safe for anyone to use from babies to pregnant women and everyone else. When the zeolites capture toxins in their cage they are deactivated so they cannot harm the body as they are being eliminated.

Heavy Metal Removal

Another amazing benefit of zeolite supplementation is that it can remove heavy metals from your body. It is amazing, but zeolite has a molecular structure that is just right for latching onto all the bad toxins in your body and removing them. Even heavy metals and radioactive ones like aluminum, lead, arsenic, mercury, excess iron, and more. It is interesting, but the zeolite removes the toxins depending on their reactivity. That means the toxins that are most reactive are taken out of the body first. It does not take that long for the zeolite to eliminate one particular element in the body, like mercury, before it begins working on another element like cadmium. It will take a few months of supplementation with zeolite to remove all the heavy metals, but since new ones are continuously introduced into the body it is important to continue supplementation.

Article Summary â€" With a growing concern for health related issues all over the world, I did research on some of the top health supplements and found that waiora zeolite seems to be a top notch product with many benefits. Read this article to get a better understanding of liquid cellular zeolite and the many benefits it can have for you.

About the Author

For more information on Waiora and their natural cellular defense product, check out our zeolite page for more benefits and insight on this supplement. Zeolite is a product made by Waiora that will help detox your body of harmful toxins and heavy metals.

Source: Health Articles on

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