Tips for Natural Insomnia Cures
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Introducing: The Plum Blossom Hammer for Hair Loss Treatment
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Trouble falling asleep, waking early in the morning as well as being unable to sleep again & more commonly lack of quality sleep. Finding good sleep information may help you to solve your insomnia problem - but it is likely that you will need to take some action in your waking life to alleviate the trouble you are having.
Talking to a professional may help you to get to the underlying causes of your insomnia. In short, worry, thoughts of sex, over-indulgence in smoking or drinking, late dinners, preoccupation with business or work even after working hours, airless bedrooms, playing of games like chess or cards before retiring to bed are some of the main cause. In cases of habitual sleeplessness, a voluntary limitation of the hours of sleep, combined with over study worry or grief, is often instrumental in forming a habit, which is exceedingly difficult to break.
Mental and physical exhaustion, the ultimate end result is a problem that, to say the least, is difficult to live with and has even ruined careers, marriages and other important relationships. In this article I want to share experiences with insomnia, and explain how I eventually overcame the problem. It usually lasts from three weeks to six months, but the patient experiences no symptoms or episodes after that.
Most everyone experiences some minor episodes of being unable to sleep lasting from one night to intermittent episodes of sleeplessness for a few weeks. Transient and intermittent insomnia are caused by stress, external noise, extreme temperatures, change of sleeping places, altered sleep timings and side effects of medicines. Environmental noise, extreme temperatures, change of sleeping area, uncomfortable bed and insects like mosquitoes are the main environmental factors that prevent sleep.
Loud noise coming from cars in the street, upbeat music set at very high volume, bright lights and uncomfortable bed should be avoided.
About the Author
Loraine DeJona is an expert in this area and has posted more free tips, articles and solutions at
Source: Health Articles on
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