
Forums: 6 Best Ways to Make More Profit With Forums

Posted by: G Allan Roberts    Posted on: January 8, 2008

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If there is one great avenue where you can reach your target market, it will be in a forum. Where else can you find people discussing about specific topic in the internet today? It will be only through forums. That is why, this medium makes a great marketing tool in order for you to promote your products and services. Here are the 6 best ways to make profit with forums:

a. Use attractive, intriguing titles on your posts. Use titles as teasers to entice forum members to read your topics. The title of the posts should effectively convey your message and it must be brief. It would also help if you can include relevant keywords so forum members can find your posts when they use the forum's search feature.

b. Do not spam. Some online entrepreneurs would like to get as many links from forums and they post thank you replies together with their website's URL for every person that answers their questions. This can be viewed by forum moderators as spamming and can result to account suspension or even termination.

c. Do not post duplicate information. Before you post, search the forum to make sure that what you will be posting has never been posted before.

d. Don't be afraid to start your own threads. Just make sure that they are relevant and they are not blatant advertising. Monitor these threads for replies or questions from other forum members.

e. Offer solutions to problems even if the issue is not related to your expertise or products that you are offering. When you help people solve their problems, it will be much easier for you to build personal relationship with them which is very crucial in earning their trust. Once you gained their trust, you can easily pitch in your offerings.

f. Advertise on forums. Since these sites are frequented by your target market, it is but a smart idea to place your banners here to get more traffic.

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G Allan Roberts

Source: Internet Articles on

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