5 Steps In Any Successful Ad Copy -- Step 5
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Well this is the 5th and final step you should include in any ad copy you use on your web site.
This is the final step and one of the most powerful steps. It's time to instill FEAR. Know this... all marketing is based on fear, and I can prove it.
Look at any advertising campaign. What do you see?
** If you don't buy this car, people won't think your successful.
** If you don't wear these clothes people won't think your fashionable.
** If you don't live in this neighborhood you won't have a good upbringing.
** If you don't look a certain way that girl or boy won't like you.
** If you don't eat this food....
** If you don't buy this ....
** If you don't...
The way advertisers control society to do what they want and to purchase the products they want you to is done through fear. Mostly through the fear of acceptance or the fear of consequence.
Back to the review sites, that is fear marketing. The person that has this review site has uncovered through their expose article or extensive research how many get rich quick scams and frauds are out there.
They have instilled the fear of you getting ripped off. Why would you want to take that chance. So instead of being ripped off you can go to these safe and creditable sites to earn your fortune, solve your problem, lose that weight ...whatever.
Like Lambs To The Slaughter
Any successful marketer is using these five steps. But the big trick is how do you put that into the ad copy of the website so it works?
There is a specific formula to writing ad copy.
And here it is in it's rough outline. There are subtitle tweaks, such as placement of info, the introduction of info, timing, headlines, formatting, the scan test and so on, but this will give you a good idea of how copy is done.
1) Identify a problem and be descriptive. You want the person to feel the pain of not solving the problem.
2) Relate to the person that you understand his/her problem, bond with them. Tell your story. This will help the reader identify with you and helps establish your credibility.
3) Provide a solution, emphasis on the benefits of solving the problem. If you spend to much time on just the problem you will lose the reader.
4) Introduce the price of your product. But you don't want to do this to early in your copy. Usually the rule of thumb is 2/3rds of the way into the copy.
5) Instill urgency. You want the person to take action now!!
6) Provide a guarantee. You want the person to feel there is no risk in using or trying your product. provide safety.
7) Create the fear of loss. This makes the person take action right away as well. If they don't buy your product now they'll miss out.
8) Provide free bonuses. Everyone wants to get something for free. Make sure the bonuses you do offer are valuable, not junk.
9) Have a few post scripts at the end of your copy, this can include more fear of loss, more bonuses. (P.S.--- P.S.S--- P.S.S.S)
10) Re-introduce the price, urgency, fear of loss, guarantee and have the customer take action now.
Go to any web site right now that is selling information or a product and now read it. You'll see that each and every website follows this formula in one fashion of another.
Here Are A Few Tips For You
Here are some simple changes you can do to instantly increase your sales.
1) Make sure you include a very clear and compelling benefit orientated headline in the first fold of your site. The first fold of your site, is the part of the website that appears on the page before you scroll anywhere.
2) Make sure your formatting is consisted, same font for text, same font for headlines and sub heading and so on.
3) Use short paragraphs, no more the 5 lines, try to keep to 4 if you can. Don't go crazy with bolding and color, however you can use highlighting.
4) Make your sentences choppy, it's easier to read and it keeps the reader interested. Add bullets and indent key points or use a graphic of a checkmark or something to that effect.
5) And most importantly if it's not perfect don't panic. It's your website and you'll be constantly making changes until it's right anyway.
To Your Success
Until Next Time
Duffy Rogan
About the Author
Duffy Rogan is a marketing and peak success coach and has been successfully helping people achieve their goals for over 10 years. You can visit Duffy at his blog www.armchairrichesblog.com If you're ready to change your financial future go to www.armchairriches.com
Source: Marketing Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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