
The 5 Steps In Ad Copy -- Step 4

Posted by: Duffy Rogan    Posted on: June 18, 2007

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It's Monday another start to a profitable and successful week for you I'm sure.

Today I'm going to share with you the fourth step in the 5 steps every successful marketer using in his/her ad copy on their websites.



You'll notice in every good web copy there is a formula for how the copy goes. First it outlines the problem, no money, over weight, you're ugly, in debt, I could go on and on.

In the copy the marketer is trying to become your buddy, your pal. They are saying "Hey buddy I understand what you're going through.

I know how hard it is to have no money not live your dreams and not provide the things you want for your family". And so on and so on.

The marketer is trying to get you depressed, they want you to dwell on your situation. They want you to feel like crap.

And just when you're ready to scout out a high bridge to jump off the marketer has the solution to all your troubles. They appear as a knight in shining armour who has come to save the day.


Remember you ended up at this marketers web site because you were looking for answers.

But the marketer has to remind you why you're there. They have to put you into a suggestive state of mind. So what better way to do that then put it in black and white right in front of your face why your life sucks.

This is called Nero Associative Conditioning. If you're in a very high emotional state anyone can be conditioned to feel or react in a certain way. And this emotional state is usually one of heightened joy or extreme sadness.

Here's a perfect example of nero associative conditioning.

A person is at a funeral, they're obviously in a very high emotional state of sadness. All day people are coming up to this person and saying how sorry they are for their loss and at the same time everyone is tapping this person on their right shoulder. And this happens over and over again during the course of the day.

That persons brain has now linked a tap on the right shoulder to the feeling of loss and utter sadness. Now weeks or even months later someone could come up to this person and in the same way taps them on the right shoulder. All of a sudden this person feels very sad and they have no clue why.

The programming for selling products works in the same way. When you see a beer commercial the beer company is associating their beer with the perfect life and beautiful girls. When is the last time you opened a beer and your room filled up with bikini clad women.

Probably never, but your brain associated that beer with that feeling the beer could give you and believe it or not that's the primary reason why you buy the brand of beer you do.

Sure it probably tastes good, but the primary reason you buy the beer you do is because of the association you have linked to drinking that beer.

Look at the tobacco companies in the early 70 and 80's, they have a product that is a HIGHLY addictive and it can kill you. So how do they sell it. They associate smoking with being cool, sophisticated and socially acceptable. "Marlboro makes you feel like a cigarette should".

That's changed now that the tobacco companies cannot advertise on TV, Radio and at many public events. But don't worry they are still selling plenty of cigarettes.

I could really go into the science behind the new marketing techniques tobacco companies are using to sell their products but that's for another time.

Here's another blast from the past. "How do you spell relief?" R-O-L-A-I-D-S

And that commercial has been of the air for 20 years and when I ask ask people from that generation that question today they always answer it with Rolaids.

Marketing companies spend millions and millions of dollars every year conditioning you to buy their products through nero associate conditioning.

Does this sound familiar?

"I use to have it all, I worked downtown, I had a corner office, I have a beautiful home, nice car, I had a good salary and then one day it was all gone. My company got downsized. How was I going to earn a living, I'm to old to be hired in my field. I had no idea how I was going to pay my bills, but then one day....."

Or maybe you've read this...

"I'm just an average guy. I work 40 hours a week earning $14.00 an hour in a warehouse. I knew I could do better, but how? There was always more month at the end of the money. So I started looking for ways to make money on the Internet. Well after spending money I really didn't have I started to feel very alone and just when I was going to give up I found..."

What just happened there?

The marketer has bonded with you, you became similar and you related. Maybe your company did not get downsized, maybe you don't work in a warehouse.

But I'll bet you dollars to donuts you related to the lack of money or how are the bills are going to get paid or the feeling of despair and hopelessness that things will never change. (the nero associated conditioning)

So now that you're in this highly suggestive state, selling a product to you became that much easier.

Another thing, didn't these people sound like like everyday people? Of course they do and they do for a reason. This is so you can and will relate to them.

If a billionaire or even a millionaire tells you how he lost his money you could care less. Actually some people would be happy.

But if the average everyday Joe tells you how he's on the edge of ruin, most people, if not all people will sympathize with him because they can relate to him.

Hate it or not, you gotta love marketing when it's done right.

Tomorrow the fifth and final step.

Until Next Time

To Your Success
Duffy Rogan

About the Author

Duffy Rogan is a marketing and peak success coach and has been successfully helping people achieve their goals for over 10 years. You can visit Duffy at his blog If you're ready to change your financial future go to

Source: Marketing Articles on

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