The Best Article Submission Sites Can Improve Your Site's Ranking For Free
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Internet Promotion - Advantages And Disadvantages
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Free Marketing Tip #1: Public Relations
I have spent over 20 years in the marketing industry, but most of that time my focus was in the area of paid marketing avenues like advertising and direct marketing. When I opened my own small business marketing consulting firm eight years ago, I realized that while all those paid marketing tactics were great - meaning they worked - I also realized my ability to utilize them was limited.
Free Marketing Tip #2: Publish an Ezine
There are many ways to start getting the word out about your products and services - that's all marketing is after all - getting the word out to the people you think would be interested. The people you would love to have as clients. And yes, there are many ways to get the word out for free, or very little cost.
Free Marketing Tip #3: Donate Something
How can you get exposure for your business if you don't have any money to spend on marketing? Is it possible? Absolutely! In fact, you can get others to promote your products or services to your ideal customers, at no cost if you know where to look. All you have to be willing to do is give away some of your products or services for free.
One of the most effective methods of improving your site's ranking is to get external links that point back to your website. These are called back-links. Search engines use the number and quality of these back-links to determine the relative importance of your website. Sites that the search engines deem to be important will show on (or close to) page one when people search for particular terms or phrases. Less important sites (in the eyes of the search engines) will appear near the bottom of those search results. And, if your site is in a competitive niche, your results can appear on page 150, which does you no good at all.
How can you promote your site to the search engines if you have little or no money? You can write and submit articles. Each time you make a submission, your article is posted on the article directory site. By including one or more links pointing back to your site in the author's resource box, you gather back-links. And the best part about it is you can submit as many articles as you like for free!
However, you should not submit articles to just any old directories, some give you better back-links than others. You should only use the best article submission sites. The best article submission sites are those that have a Page Rank of 4 or above. Many directories have a Page Rank of 1 or even zero. Your site gets little or no benefit when you submit articles to these sites. For that reason, it is absolutely imperative that you send your articles only to The Best Article Submission Sites.
Do you want to know how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide on submitting articles to promote your site and make money.
About the Author
Make Some Money And Promote Your Site!
Make Money Every Day - It's easier than you think!
Make Money With Your Own Product!
Source: Marketing Articles on
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