Action is the Driving Force that Produces Results
More Motivational Articles
Does Positive Thinking Really Work?
You've probably heard self-improvement authors and speakers extol the virtues of "positive thinking". The idea is that in order to succeed at something, we must first think positive -- we must convince ourselves that we can do it. Even better, we should visualize ourselves doing it. Well, I'm no psychologist, and I reckon positive thinking (and visualization) is helpful.
One Minute Meditations for a Happier Life
Meditation has been used for centuries to train the mind, and the list for its uses are extensive. Not only does meditation increase wellness in general, it reduces stress, anxieties and cultivates positive emotions. In addition, with consistent use, it reshapes the cortex of the brain resulting in an increase in attention span, sharpening of focus and improved memory.
Why Is It So Difficult To Come Out From Stress, Anxiety, And Depression?
Most people who face stress, anxiety and depression problem believe that it is very difficult to come out from the illness. They are 100% right, and that is the reason why they could not overcome the illness. For those who came out from the illness without taking any drugs, (well, drugs doesn't cure you anyway), it is easy.
Effective Hypnosis Quit Smoking Methods
Hypnosis quit smoking methods maintain caused quite a stir in the medical world over the last two decades. There is a lot of argument pertaining to whether or not hypnosis quit smoking treatments are actually useful in the long-term. Nonetheless, there has been much research conducted concerning the treatments, and the agreement is that hypnosis treatments are just as effective as any variant stop smoking product.
False Expectations Appearing Real
FEAR Fear is an interesting energy. We all seem to suffer from it every now and then (and sometimes more often....), and although we don't like being fearful, many people are nearly addicted to experiencing fear in their lives. Not a day goes by in which they don't entertain a thought like "what if.
Fertilizer - the Recipe to Life's Challenges
Isn't it amazing how sometimes memories from your childhood tend to teach a lesson to us as grown-ups? I have a liking for Dahlias, Gladiolas and Roses. It's the Dahlia from my childhood that gives me the inspiration to hold on to a dream and maybe become a stronger person. This story evolves around my Grandfather and how he had a green thumb for growing things.
The Weeds in our Lives
Isn't it amazing how you never have to water your weeds or nurture them and they still give you an unwanted crop? I can remember as a young boy growing up in Santa Cruz, California my grandfather showed me how to dig up this pesky weed called Bermuda Grass. It was terrible stuff and it would really spread if you didn't get it out by the roots.
Are the most successful people the ones who had the most knowledge; were they more intelligent or was it because they were better academically? We all know that this is not true. If this were true,everyone from MENSA and anyone that obtains a PHD would be a multimillionaire.
Think about this. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Oprah winfrey, Steven Spielberg, Larry Ellison, Soichiro Honda and Richard Branson, have one thing in common, all of them do not have a college degree.
Yet they have built billion dollar empires run by extremely well qualified managers and professionals, many of them possessing Harvard MBAs.
This is still true today. Many intelligent, well-educated people who have MBAs and PhDs do not accomplish much although they may have the intelligence and knowledge.
The irony is that many people who do extremely well academically usually end up working for those who were average performers in school.
On the other hand, there are many millionaires and business owners who dropped out of college, never attending university only to find themselves producing phenomenal results.
Why is this so? The answer lies in the simple fact that these individuals took more action than compared to others. More often than not, these successful individuals made up their mind thinking that they had nothing to they take action, massive action to make up for it.
While book knowledge and tertiary education are extremely valuable assets, too much of it can become a liability.
When people have excess knowledge, they spend all their time analyzing thinking WHY 'something cannot be done; so much so that it paralyses them from taking any form of action.
For those highly qualified academically, they tend to be more risk averse. These people tend to take less action.
Knowledge, intelligence and capability are not 'power'. They are only potential forms of power. Only when action is taken do these acquired resources realize their potential.
Action is the driving force that makes things happen. When consistent action is taken towards a specific outcome, results will definitely be produced.
We either get the results we want (success), or we get the results we don't want (feedback). By changing our strategy and consistently taking even more action, we will eventually get the results we want.
Success is defined by how much action we take and not just by how much knowledge and capability we have. Knowledge can be learnt and capability can be acquired.
Taking massive action is the key to unleashing personal power. People who combine knowledge with massive action become unstoppable in achieving any goal.
About the Author
Adam Khoo is an entrepreneur, best-selling author and a self-made millionaire by the age of 26. Discover his supercharged success secrets and claim your FREE bonus report 'Supercharge Your Success!' at Success With NLP.
Source: Motivational Articles on
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