
Anyone Can Do This - It's Easy

Posted by: Robert Paterson    Posted on: March 28, 2008

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Many people want to be successful. They want to have wealth. Or fame. Or acclaim.

How can this be done?

We can start by saying that being successful, having wealth etc is easy. There are many successful famous people who have become that way by doing things that are not especially difficult - singing a song, inventing something, chatting to their friends and family about detergent...

So you say, if it's that easy, why doesn't it happen to me?

Let's look at what often happens. You want to be wealthy and/or successful and/or famous. You've heard that there's a lot of money to be made on the Internet, the so-called "make money online" story. People are becoming overnight millionaires effortlessly. So you go online to see how it's done. You find a whole load of websites telling you all you need to do is this or that Step By Step Technique, making sure you avoid these or those Dumb Mistakes, and thousands of dollars will simply roll into your PayPal account.

So you sign up and you do everything they say. And it doesn't work.

The reasons for this are quite complicated to explain. Some people go into telling you stuff about "vibrations" which can put off the non-New-Agers, or "harmonizing with the source of all things" which can put off agnostics and religious people alike, or Law of Attraction and quantum physics which can baffle the non-scientist. All of these types of explanation are valid enough but they don't necessarily help.

To give a more simple reason why it doesn't work - it's because it just isn't YOU.

I'll give you an example. Some years ago I got a job as a door to door salesman. We had some training, we were told that we weren't selling anything, we were "making a placement", by which they meant we were allowing the customer to have the product at a special, massively reduced, once in a lifetime price, and they would love the product so much they would tell all their friends. We were to tell the customer we were advertising, not selling, not selling, not selling.

Yeah you're right - we were selling.

It was important to get it right because we didn't get paid anything at all unless we "placed" a product. I followed the super salesmen around for a couple of days to learn some of the ropes. It was great to watch these guys "placing" these encyclopedias or whatever it was we were hawking, at every second door they tried, apparently without any effort. They said, anyone can do this, just do exactly what we do. So I learned what they did, and tried to copy it exactly.

Well, it didn't work. I was a lousy salesman. People just didn't want to buy those things from me - even though I followed exactly the patter, movements, facial expressions of the super salesmen in every way. The problem was I didn't believe they were going to want to buy, I didn't believe in what I was doing. It just wasn't ME.

So it's no good people saying about some "make money online" scheme that anyone can do it, because it just isn't true.

Now, here is the way to be successful, this is "the secret", the only way, in my opinion. You need to find first of all something that you really like doing, that you love, that you can feel passionate about, that you believe in. Something that is YOU. Then do that thing whatever it is as much as you can. Don't compromise on it. One test as to whether you chose the right thing will be that it won't feel like hard work. It will be easy. (For those salesmen, it wasn't hard work, because it was the right thing for them.)

But wait a minute, you say, if it's something easy, it won't be worth doing, because anyone could do it? But this is exactly what we've just been talking about. Something that's easy for you might not be so easy for other people. When Marconi invented the radio, he said it was so easy he couldn't understand why no-one else had already done it. Don't think about if it's easy or difficult, just think about, is it YOU?

It's my conviction that everyone has a purpose in life, and our task is to find what that purpose is. So don't copy other people, find your own dream, and follow wherever it leads you.

I'll leave you with the story of Edison, who tried out ten thousand different materials for the filament of the commercial light bulb he was trying to make. Ten thousand! Can you imagine how that feels to try that many, and none of them work? The point is that he believed in what he was doing, he liked it, it was HIM, so he patiently kept going, found one that did work, and the rest is history. When they asked him how he felt about failing ten thousand times, he replied, "I didn't fail, I found ten thousand materials that didn't work."

About the Author

The author believes that following your own dream will lead to success. See our Self Development Blog at to find out more, and ask a question or make a comment if you want.

Source: Motivational Articles on

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