
5 Tips to Learn Piano Better

Posted by: Terje Brooks    Posted on: January 28, 2008

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1. If you're learning a piece that you find complex, learn each hand's part separately. Learn piano from one hand to the other for a much easier learning curve. Once you've mastered playing each hand separately, it will seem like you are playing without even thinking. This will make it much easier when you combine both hands to coordinate them both because you won't be trying to think about two separate processes at once time.

Tip #2: Foot Off The Pedals

When playing a piece that normally requires the use of the pedals, try playing the piece without the pedals. Doing so will allow you to hear the passages more clearly and identify any notes that sound wrong, ill-timed, or uneven. When using this tip, take care not to "hold" notes in an attempt to mirror with your fingers what the pedal would normally do.

Tip #3: Use Variety While Practicing

Any piano playing tips that are effective will focus on your mind. While strengthening your hands and fingers and gaining coordination in them is important, your brain will naturally begin to tune things out after a prolonged period of time. When learning a piece or practicing scales, use a little variety to keep your mind interested. Doing this will strengthen your memory.

Tip #4: Be Regimented While Practicing

Though you may be tempted to simply sit down and play when practicing, resist this temptation. This often results in developing bad habits that can impair your playing ability in the future. Instead, resolve to follow a regimented practice routine when learning or improving upon techniques. You may find that doing so allows you to learn to play pieces efficiently in half the time it would normally take. But, make sure to also give yourself some time to "just play" during your practice session. Balance is productive.

Tip #5: See It In Your Mind

Close your eyes and try to visualize yourself playing a piece that you already know. See yourself sitting on the bench and your fingers playing across the keys. If you have trouble doing this, try visualizing one hand at a time. Do this for a short time, then open your eyes and play the part of the piece you visualized. You may find that doing this significantly improves your memory while letting your hands rest.

Learning to play the piano better is a simple matter of practicing. But, you need to practice correctly. Use the piano playing tips above to improve your playing ability. Remember, your mind is a powerful aid in learning to play the piano well. The tips above will help, but there is much more you can easily do to become a better piano player. Visit the site in below to learn more about improving your playing ability.

About the Author

You can get a more in-depth knowledge about the piano in general and the digital piano in particular by going to - The Complete Online Resource For Pianos And Piano Music.

Source: Music Articles on

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