
Piano Lessons: Learn to Play at Any Age

Posted by: Andrew Stratton    Posted on: February 12, 2008

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Not everyone can be as talented as the classical greats Mozart and Beethoven or even the modern day piano man himself, Billy Joel, but it is never too late to learn how to play the piano.

Children and adults alike can learn to play as long as there is a commitment to practice and the process is fun. The motivation for learning the piano is usually different for children and adults.

Parents are typically the ones who want their children to learn whereas an adult is self-motivated (probably because they regret quitting lessons as a child). There are numerous techniques available for learning to play at any age.

> Children's Lessons

There are many methods used in teaching children to play the piano. Some techniques range from using bright pictures and graphics like the Bastien method, position-playing like the Faber and Faber method, to familiarizing them with the keyboard before reading music like the Rote method.

As in any learning environment, children respond differently and learn at different levels. The key to keeping your child engaged in his piano lessons is finding a teacher who can tailor her teaching to his learning abilities.

Other ways to keep your child excited about piano practice is to play with him. If you know how to play, join him on the bench. If you do not know how, let him teach you. This way, you can check the progress and it lets the child use the knowledge he has learned.

Take him to a concert to see how exciting concert piano can be. Buy CDs of the greats, to include contemporary artists, and play them in the house and car.

Teach your child a bit of music history. Did you know that Beethoven lost his hearing in his twenties and yet he continued to compose and play with grace and beauty This is a good lesson for your child, especially if he seems to be struggling with his lessons.

> Adult's Lessons

As an adult student, there should be no need for outside motivation. Obviously, you want to learn to play either for pleasure or just for the challenge. Whatever the reason, you should find a teacher you feel comfortable with and who keeps the learning experience fun. Your instruction should be tailored to your abilities with a teacher there to support you as you progress.

However, just because you are an adult that does not mean you can skip practicing and ignore your homework. Your teacher will give you exercises meant to help and, just like the kids, you have to do it. Otherwise, you may be wasting money on a talent you will never realize.

Don't expect immediate results either. Patience and perseverance are keys to your success.

If you do not feel comfortable seeking out an instructor, there are other options. CDs, DVDs and instructional books are available for self-paced, self-taught piano. However, nothing compares to having an experienced teacher right beside you to offer advice, praise and criticism as you or your child move through this musical journey.

Whatever your age, learning to play the piano unlocks your creativity and can enhance all parts of your life.

About the Author

Learning piano as adults or as children requires dedication and the assistance of great piano lessons. With Louisiana piano teachers across the area as well as the return of free kids piano lessons in their Metairie showroom, Hall Piano Co is your full service Gulf Coast piano dealer.

Source: Music Articles on

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