Pet Insurance - Yes Or No
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Top 10 Sporting Dog Breeds
The Sporting Group includes pointers, setters, retrievers and many spaniels. This group of fairly active dogs is composed of a wide variety of breeds, which were developed to aid hunters by finding, flushing out and retrieving game. Members of this group all need a fair amount of exercise but you don't have to be a hunter to own one of these dogs.
Close Encounters of the "Elk" Kind
CLOSE ENCOUNTER OF THE "ELK" KIND For the last 10 years a generous part of my time has been associated with domestic elk, the furry, four-legged kind we raise on the farm not the two legged ones that hang out with their friends at the lodge on Main Street in town. While most men dream of associating with elk, especially that elusive world class bull, I would say that it's not something that most women would find very appealing.
Dog Park Etiquette
You've heard about dog parks from your friends, family and even complete strangers. It's somewhere you can take your best friend so he can frolic happily with other dogs, getting exercise and socialization with members of the canine family. But what do you need to know before you pack up your doggie for a fun filled day? Your best friend can have a great time if you are willing to follow some general, and common sense rules.
How To Train Your Parrot To Stop Biting
"Why is my parrot biting me?" This is a question asked every day by parrot owners who thought they would never own a bird that bites. Once you have been bit, it is hard to return comfortably to the biter. At least that's what most people say. It does take a positive mind set and it is best to return with some understanding of the parrot's needs.
Saltwater Aquarium, Do You Really Want One?
There is nothing more dramatic than a saltwater aquarium filled with exotic specimens of fish. It is the top-of-the-line in fish tanks, and while it is harder to maintain and more expensive than a freshwater tank, it gives you the chance to have a greater variety of interesting fish. Many of the fish that are appropriate for a saltwater tank are extremely colorful and attractive.
The birds who live in my decorative birdhouses are glad that horrible hot streak has cooled down, I know I am. It is fledgling season around here. This might be my favorite part of the summer. The garden birdbath fountain is full of colorful babies just learning how to swim and fly. I find it interesting that they seem to be larger than their parents.
Eliminating Dog Worms Effectively
Knowing how to treat dog worms is very important and is essential to the proper care of your pet. Treatment for worms should begin with heartworms as some medicines and herbal remedies for treating heartworm are also effective for hookworms, roundworms and whipworms. The only untreated worm left would be the tapeworm.
A large percentage of pet owners cannot see the benefit of pet insurance; this is peculiar when they are generally loved like any other person in the home. When it comes to looking after our own health needs, we do not forget how important it is; if we really cared out our pet's health we would not neglect them would we?
Contrary to the belief of many, this is an important monthly expense; this attitude quickly changes when these pet owners are presented with the bills for treatment. With everything around us increasing in cost, it is not surprising that vet fees have also risen as well; this has lead to an increase in pet insurance premiums.
Pet health cover costs, like many other types of insurance plans, are on the increase; this should really be enough to make you think twice about delaying but this isn't the only reason. The fact is, the more animals you own, there is an increased risk that one of them will be involved in an accident or become sick; this can happen at any time and usually when you can least afford it!
There may come a time when you have to consider the cost of medical treatment; obviously this is something you would prefer to avoid especially if it is based on cost.
It was a huge shock when the vet informed us of the cost to treat our dog some time ago; what choice did I have, and although I regret it now, I did wonder if we could afford it? Especially when you know that even with the surgery and treatments, your pet could still die; if they do not survive despite the vets best attempts, the bill for treatment still has to be paid.
The financial strain of keeping your pet healthy can be overwhelming; when money problems occur, temporary or otherwise, this causes further worries. If you are experiencing money worries then raising additional finances can prove embarrassing.
Ensuring your pet receives the treatment it requires should be every owners aim; this is assured if you have a pet insurance policy because you will not to worry how much the treatment will cost. The choice is yours, large vet bills or a pet healthcare insurance policy; the average monthly premium will be less than forty dollars.
Various pet healthcare insurance options are available; perhaps to incorporate more than one pet on the same plan. A loving pet owner should really be thinking about the level of healthcare in place for their pet; perhaps the information supplied here has made things are a little clearer now and you won't delay further.
About the Author
Regine Hehn is a caring and loving cat owner. He also owns and maintains The Cat Training Center.
Source: Pets Articles on
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