
The Art of Giving Gratitude

Posted by: Gary Evans    Posted on: April 1, 2008

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When we begin to utilize the Law of Attraction, the largest obstacle standing in our way is our habitual thought processes. We are conditioned into thinking thoughts of lack and limitation. From a very age, most of us were conditioned that to earn money you had to work hard, to be healthy and well you had to exercise every day and only eat the "right" foods.

By default when we observe situations we see the negative aspect of it. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to pick up on something when someone has done something wrong? We're conditioned to thinking that way. If it's good it's probably bad, and if it's bad you're probably right.

This way of thinking does not serve us and is the largest counterproductive activity that gets in our way from attracting everything that we want to experience.

All is not lost as there is a trick we can use to alter our mode of thought into a more positive, abundant direction. This trick is the process of gratitude.

Take a moment and start to think about all of the things that you are grateful for right now in your life. Take your attention away from things that are unwanted and move your focus onto things that you do enjoy.

Do you have... A partner? A child? A great car? Some good friends? A job that you enjoy? A book you enjoy reading? Nice clothing? A warm home?

Become aware of these things that are going well in your life and feel grateful for them. Start to feel the emotions of gratitude for having them in your life. Place your entire attention onto these things and feel the feelings of gratitude.

By spending just a little time feeling grateful for the things that you do currently have, you're sending a powerful message to the universe and in those moments of gratitude you are not only aligning up with everything else you've been wanting but you're also going to get more of what you've been placing your attention on.

I recommend you give gratitude every single day and build it into your daily routine. Make it a habitual occurrence just like brushing your teeth or combing your hair. Remember though, this isn't a chore or something you should force. The key to giving gratitude is actually evoking the feelings - it is something that you cannot pretend. You either do it or you don't.

Personally, I keep a gratitude journal and every morning I complete a short page and list everything that I am grateful for. I then spend time looking at each item and really visualize and feel grateful for those things. This is a very powerful process and one that can make you feel extremely good!

"To keep a gratitude journal, is the single most powerful thing I have done to change my life. Write down 5 things you are grateful for each day and watch your whole life being transformed." - Oprah Winfrey

5 minutes a day can completely change the course of your life. I invite you to practice giving gratitude and watch in amazement as your life makes a u-turn.

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Manifesting Reality Isn't Hard Work After All.

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